Chapter 9 - Truth or Die

Start from the beginning

"Is he the one who bit her?" Sam asked, jealousy and worry creasing his forehead.

"Most likely."

"We have to find them before it's too late," Sam said.

Eric looked thoughtful. "There is a place where Franklin likes to … work. It's very secluded. It would be easy to get to if we fly."

Lafayette held up his hands. "My name's not Peter Pan and I ain't that type of fairy. These pretty feet are staying on the ground."

Sam knew Eric was right. They could cover a lot more distance in the air, but he wasn't ready to reveal his true nature to Lafayette. He hadn't even revealed himself to Tara yet. He wondered what her reaction would be if he did.

"Lafayette, why don't you go back to Bon Temps and check to see if Tara's at Sookie's house," Sam suggested. "Keep your cell phone on so I can get in touch with you."

Lafayette nodded. "Be careful, Sam. Let me know as soon as you find her."

"I will."

As soon as Lafayette drove off, Eric turned to Sam. "So are you going to change, or do I have to carry you?"

Sam got an image of Eric flying him through the air like Superman carrying Lois Lane, and it made his skin crawl. "I'll change," he said.

He quickly stripped out of his clothes. His arms disappeared, forming into wings while his legs shortened, bringing him closer to the ground. He was now completely transformed into an owl.

"Impressive," Eric said with a look of approval. "Though I would have chosen a more majestic bird, like an eagle or a Peregrine falcon.

Sam twisted his head around nearly 180 degrees to stare up at the vampire. He could see him as clearly as if it were daytime.

Eric grinned. "Try to keep up, shifter," he said before taking off into the air. Sam hooted, spreading his wings as he followed in hot pursuit.

"Wake him up," ordered Tara. Franklin picked up a bucket filled to the rim with cold water and doused the unconscious detective's face. Andy coughed and sputtered as his body jerked against his restraints.

He blinked several times and tried to catch his breath. He looked disoriented. "Where am I? Why I am tied to this chair?" He struggled against the ropes binding his arms and legs, but it was no use.

"Did you have a good nap, Andy?" Tara asked in a teasing voice.

"Fuck you!"

Franklin slapped him hard across the face. "That is no way to speak to the woman I love. I suggest you mind your manners." He stood up, throwing an adoring smile in Tara's direction. "Carry on, my sweet."

She stood up from the only other chair in the room. They were in a dilapidated shack so deep in the bayou swamp that not even the alligators knew where they were.

Tara glared down at the man responsible for taking her lover's life. Her heart burned with rage. "Tell me why you did it, Andy?"

"I'm not tellin' you shit! You two are in enough trouble as it is. Kidnapping, assault -" He gave Franklin a pointed look. "- attempted murder. They're gonna throw the book at the both of ya."

Franklin's hands moved so fast that Tara didn't realize he had struck Andy until she saw the detective bent over, spitting out blood through his teeth.

"She asked you a fucking question, NOW ANSWER IT!" he screamed.

"I-I was defending myself," Andy stammered. "What was I supposed to do? He was a murderer."

"Eggs wasn't no fucking murderer," she snapped. "Even if he did kill somebody, it wasn't his fault. It was that bitch Maryann who made him do it."

She walked towards him with her gun pointed at the detective's heart. "I want to know how it happened, every last damn detail."

"It happened the way I told Sheriff Dearborn. I was standing outside about to get in my car. Eggs came out of nowhere wielding a knife. He was acting erratic and saying he killed people. He tried to attack me, so I shot him."

Tara leaned forward so she could look him directly in the eyes. "Then explain this to me, Mister Detective; how come he was shot in the back of the head? If he was comin' at you, wouldn't you have shot him in the chest?"

Franklin nodded. "Good question."

She saw something flash in his eyes. Fear? Guilt? His face turned to stone. "I already told you what happened, you stupid cow, I ain't gonna keep repeating myself. So you might as well let me go."

Tara felt her lips curve into a smile. "You know, Andy, my vampire friend really seemed to like your blood … a lot."

Franklin leaned down and smiled. His long, pink tongue slowly licked the blood from Andy's temple where Tara had struck the detective earlier with her gun.

"Mmmm. Yes, you're very tangy," he said. "The stubborn liars usually are."

Andy visibly cringed.

"Here's the deal, Andy," Tara continued. "Either you're gonna tell me what really happened that night, or Franklin's going to drain you dryer than a fucking raisin."

Franklin's fangs extended. "I could feast on you for days. Then when I'm nearly done, I'll toss your bloodless remains to alligators."

Andy's Adam's apple bobbed up and down. His face was drenched with sweat. "I already told you, I killed him in self-defense."

Tara looked at Franklin who shook his head from side to side.

"Franklin says you're lying."

"How the hell would he know? He wasn't there."

Tara walked back to her chair and sat down. "All vampires have a unique gift," she explained. "Franklin here can sense when anyone is lying just by the sound of their voice. He's like a vampire lie detector."

"But I am telling you the truth. I swear it," Andy said forcefully.

"No, you're not," said Franklin, "but by the time I'm done, you will."

Franklin walked over to the wooden table in the corner. He opened the slender brown briefcase on top of it. When he turned around he was holding what looked like a large scalpel.

He walked back towards the detective with an evil grin on his face. Tara felt a sliver of fear rise in her throat. Was she really ready to become a murderer? She wasn't a religious person like her mother but that didn't stop the doubt from clouding her mind. If there was a God, was revenge worth the risk of losing her soul and going to hell? She pushed her conflicting thoughts away and swallowed her fear. No, this was justice. Andy deserved to die, she told herself.

Franklin walked over and kissed her lovingly on the cheek. "This is my wedding present to you."

Tara said nothing as she watched the vampire approach Andy's chair. The detective's eyes grew as big as saucers. "No, no," he pleaded.

"Time to play truth or die," said Franklin in an ominous tone.

Tara closed her eyes as Andy's screams filled the room.

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