Chapeeto 2

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No One's POV

  Yoongi had told them the night before and he was nervous. Last night after they looked at him like he was a mad man he finally explained. "Little space is where you get into the head space of a child, entering a child like care free space away from the adult world. Its a way of coping from some sought of stress they may be experiencing. Its a big community and everyone is accepted for those who are in it." They realized that they have to treat this grown man like  a child. They didn't know what to do.  Eventually they figured out that they would have to get kid and babyish things. So...they all went shopping for Yoogni(Yoongi's name in little space). They got pacifiers, teething rings, onsies, and all types of toys and baby food and drinks.

Still Nobody's POV
At home

  Yoongi went into space. "Yoogni want pway wit' Hobi". "Okay, pumkin pie".  Yoogni giggled at the nickname given to him. " What you wanna play". "Caws".  "Okay baby". 20 minutes later and Yoogni started to cry. "Da- daddy". Was all he managed to sniffle out while making grabby hands at Hobi. To say Hobi was shocked was an understatement, he was petrified. He ignored his thoughts and picked up Yoogni, deciding, now is not the time to think about it.

Hi I hope my Zero readers like and enjoy I will try to update tomorrow, I'm sorry I haven't been updating, I have no excuse.🙃😔 Anyway I hope you enjoy!( ˘ ³˘)❤

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