Drunk Dial

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As soon as Alex's uber left her front door, Mary can't help but smile ear to ear. Alex fucking Gaskarth just walked her home and she gave him her number and email. Mary just took a mental note that all she needed to do now is to wait and see if Alex Gaskarth is going to keep his words.

Mary was cleaning herself up from the spilled alcohol and the smell of cigarettes that latched onto her hair when she heard a ding from her phone. She wants to shrug it off and continue cleaning her hair from the stench and mentally cursing herself when she remembers that early meeting she has to go to.

One ding.

And another.

Probably about seven dings more.

Several missed notification later, Mary finally relaxed and got out of the shower, feeling completely fresh and happy her hair now smells like lavender again. She immediately worked on her hair, drying it out as she tries to juggle things between getting her hair dry and keeping up with her skincare routine.

Her phone was sitting on a bed-side table when suddenly her ringtone blasted. It was 3 in the morning and all she wanted to do was to dry her hair and fall into her much-needed sleep, but whoever was calling her seemed to be persistent because it's probably the 6th time she hears the intro of All Time Low's Birthday playing from her phone.

With a heavy heart and a little curiosity, she got off her vanity and sit on her bed, picking up her phone that is currently showing a number she doesn't know. In another time, she would have just rejected the call and turn her phone off, however, tonight is different. Alexander William Gaskarth just walked her home and maybe she needs a little adventure and takes the call.

"'H-h-hello Mary tis Jack calln. Uhmmmm I'm v-v-very drunk and he's not but I stole his phone hiding in the b'room stall to call the girl that made Lex cheery... You herdof Love Drunk?" He said into the phone but pausing as the white-haired guy put every ounce of his brain to work and make a coherent sentence.

Mary recognizes the voice as Jack Barakat's but she's far too taken aback to even come up with any suitable reply. "Ithinkhelikesyoumorethanherealize, he got delicate heart gnight Mary glad to spillin yer shirt" he added some more before the line drops.

Mary was still processing what just happened to her. She hadn't even said anything before the call drops and she's certain that was the actual drunken Jack Barakat calling on her and trying to tell her that Alex Gaskarth has a delicate heart. How is she supposed to close her eyes now? How is she supposed to close her eyes and fall into a good sleep now?

Mary takes one good look at her bedside clock. 3.20 AM. Her meeting is due in 4 hours and 40 minutes. She has to be up in 3 hours and be the responsible adult she is. She has to show up at work, looking pretty ready to woo her potential client in less than 20 minutes during the meeting. She knows she has to steady her heartbeat and compose herself to fall asleep, yet Mary seems to have forgotten how.

"Jack fucking Barakat just drunk called me using Alex's phone and basically spilling the tea on a very sober but very love drunk Alex." Mary thought as her eyes grew heavy and darkness comes to greet her exhausted form.

The next thing she knows is the sound of her alarm blaring through the room as she feels the sun slightly greets her sleepy eyes. Her eyes fluttered open as she sees the clock next to her shows 7.07 am. She's only been asleep for just a little over 4 hours and she has precisely 53 minutes to get ready and get to work. Her professional career is at stake if she can not get there within the time frame. Luckily, her hair still looks good and smells fresh from her shower last night that can potentially save up more than 20 minutes in her morning routine that usually takes an hour.

Mary decided to wear something fashionably formal to woo her potential client. Her hair is being let down, and she looks stunning in a deep merlot blazer and a matching trouser that stops just below her knee which just compliments her body shape wonderfully, underneath is a black tank top that matches the color of her pair of vans sneakers to give an illusion that she's both professional and laidback.

With haste, Mary ordered an uber to get her to work with some spare time to prepare for the meeting. Just as Mary about to open the front door of her building, someone beat her to it. Mary is far too caught up in her own to have realized that the person opening her door is none other than the very man who walked her home just the night before.

For a very brief second, Mary forgot how to breathe. Her mind had seemingly stopped functioning as she processed what was happening right before eyes. Her teenage crush is standing right in front of her, hands full with hot cups of something and presumably some breakfast meal inside a paper bag of which he's holding very tightly. However, Mary's focus shifted toward the car behind Alex. Her uber driver has arrived, and as much as she wants to catch up with Alex, Mary has to go to work on time.

"Here, I bought you some coffee and scone. It's the least I could give you after making stay up late last night." Alex smiled as he hands Mary the cup and paper bag.

"Would you like to see where I work?" Mary asked as she walks past him, clearly torn between wanting a moment longer with Alex or rushing toward her uber to head straight to the office.

Clearly, Mary wanted just a moment longer with Alex, and the singer wants just the same thing. So both of them got into the car to head to Mary's office for the day. Mary doesn't know why the green-haired boy just easily follows her around but she'll take one morning with Alex in a heartbeat.

"It's currently 7.50 and my meeting starts at 8, I'll make it up to you for this coffee and scone, alright?" Mary told Alex as she speeds up to walk towards her tower's lift.

"Actually, I don't have my phone with me right now so uh, I'll wait in that coffeeshop!" Alex screams a little louder as he points toward the coffee shop just across the building with his fingers. Mary, on the other hand, has somehow fitted inside the crammed lift and was left with showing her thumb up to let Alex know she gets what he's saying.

So the day begins for both Mary and Alex as the two went to their separate ways. The thing is, when Alex Gaskarth said he doesn't have his phone on him, he means his best friend has probably drunk dialed too many people using his phone and had pressed on too many wrong passwords that his phone is blocked.

The thing is, right before Jack Barakat fell asleep on Alex, Jack might have said about sending quite a lot of drunk texts to Mary. Unfortunately, Jack was too drunk to form a coherent sentence that Alex could understand, and his phone, though now currently sitting on his grasp, is completely out of order.

And God Knows what those texts could be... Just thinking about the potential content of those drunken texts gave Alex a headache, but if Mary still wants to share an uber with him, Jack must not have sent something too embarrassing or inappropriate, right?

As of now, that's the thing Alex has to believe and repeatedly tells himself in order to keep him from crashing Mary's meeting out of sheer curiosity.

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