Two tattoos that I've never seen before were inked right below his collarbones, and I couldn't help but wonder the meaning behind them.

Before I could admire the rest of his fit body, Adam told him to take a seat and he did as demanded.

Adam wiped the marker off of Calum's tattoo and I couldn't help but frown. Honestly, I'm a bit nervous about this. What if Adam messes up? Or colors the tattoo not how I originally colored it? What if Calum regrets getting this done?

"Rach." I looked back up to Calum, "Come here." He stated, patting the stool next to the chair he was laying in.

I nodded in reply, and awkwardly made my way to the stool under his gaze. As soon as I sat down and got comfortable, I awkwardly pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Are you nervous?" I asked, trying to read his expression.

Calum let out a slight laugh, "No, it's not like it's the first time." He smiled.

I watched as Adam started coloring his tattoo, "Doesn't it hurt?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, and looking back at Calum.

His facial expression proved that he was in absolutely no pain at all, and if anything he found my question amusing.

"It kills. Ouch. I think I'm going to cry, Rach. Ow." He said sarcastically, trying to hold in his laugh but failing.

"It hurts so bad babe. Hold my hand." He demanded with a pout, and held out his free hand for me.

His words caused me to tilt my head back in laughter, "If people in school saw you right now they'd beat the hell out of you."

He laughed at my statement, and I intertwined our hands for the first time.

My eyes involuntarily went back to his chest, and I couldn't help but stare at his tattoos. The letters MMXII inked his skin and I couldn't help but wonder the meaning behind it. MMXII is 2012, right? Something either terrible or great happened in 2012, and I hope it's the second option.

I looked back up to him, to see him mindlessly staring at the ceiling.

"Cal?" I asked, obtaining his attention.

He tore his gaze off of the ceiling and leaned his head in my direction. "Mm?"

"What's uh.. the meaning behind your 2012 tattoo?" I asked, tucking loose hair behind my hair with my free hand.

His expression was easily readable. It went from curiosity to sadness, and I could feel his grip on my hand become harder.

"Oh," he cleared his throat, "I don't really want to talk about it." he stated, breaking his attention from me and looking at his semi-colored tattoo.

"Oh. Sorry." I mumbled, looking down towards my lap.

Of course, it's probably in memory of something tragic that happened. Way to go, Rachel.

"It's okay, you can continue."

I looked back up at him,"Continue what?"

"Staring at me. I know I have a great body." He laughed, and loosened his grip on my hand so it was back to normal.

Great is an understatement.

I could feel my face becoming red in seconds and I slightly leaned over the chair and punched him. "I was not!"

His laughs turned into giggles, causing his face to turn bright red. "Don't deny it Rach! You were practically drooling over me!"

"Jesus Christ Calum hold still!" Adam demanded.

Luckily, Adam's words made him stop laughing immediately, so my embarrassment session was cut short.

"Although, I've been focused on this tattoo and even I could tell you were staring at him." Adam chuckled, and wiped Calum's tattoo with a miniature paper towel.

My jaw dropped, and the two of them started laughing hysterically.

I tore my hand from Calum's and covered my face with both of my hands.

Although I was being utterly humiliated right now, I was honestly enjoying it. I don't think I've ever seen Calum be so laid back in school, hearing him laugh hysterically and being him without having to worry if any popular is around to see him like this. I couldn't help but smile behind my hands.

I slowly removed my hands from my face as their laughter started to die down.

"Are you guys done?" I whined.

"For now."

"Actually, I.. am...done." Adam stated, rubbing Calum's newly colored tattoo with a paper towel.

Calum sat up and raised his arm to see his newly colored tattoo. Immeditaltly, his jaw dropped.

He looked up from his tattoo to me, and smiled.

" looks exactly like your coloring. Holy fuck."

I stood up and grabbed his arm.

No way.

There's no posible way that that is a tattoo, it looks exactly like the coloring I did.

When I looked back up to Calum, he was already smiling down at me.

"She would love this." He mumbled, looking back at his tattoo.

hey im back from the dead!
sorry this chapter was boring :-(
my writing gets worse throughout every chapter

please vote/comment/share !

Blind [c.h.]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin