Where's the Lighthouse?

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From the day I was born, I was taught certain things.
Love thy neighbor as thy self.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Don't steal, don't lie, don't kill.
Keep the sabbath day holy.
And "wait before marriage" if you catch my drift.

Thoses rules sound familiar to you, don't they?
Again, I've been taught thoses things since the beginning.
And I was happy.
But the more I grow, the more things I learn.

Third-teen.... the age where the real learning began.

Slowly, I learned things I was unsure of for a while.
I was just like the bad ones that follow the same rules as me.
Shun this! Shun that! That isn't the right way!
You're not good if you're like that!

But... one day, I said to myself...
"This is gonna be the world I live in... If wanna be apart of it, I'm gonna get use to seeing this."
So I did.
It took some time, but I grew use to it.

I made new friends that don't follow the exact rules as I do.
But I don't blame them.
They had different lives.
But that doesn't make them bad.

I even made stories that also doesn't follow some of those rules.
And they turned to be really great stories.

But now... I'm lost...
I don't know what to believe.
I still have faith, but... am I doing it right?

I don't know..
I don't know...!!

Am I failing? Am I going the wrong way?
Why are there so many people that miss-use the rules?
Why are these people who follow the rules, end up hurting people?
That's not what you're supposed to do!


I want to know the truth.
What is the actual right way?!

I wish I could ask him.
The man above everything.
The king of kings.
I want to ask him in person.
Not in a letter, or a text.
Face to face.

I want to scream, "WHERE DO I STAND?!"


But I can't.
I feel like that's doubting his love.

They say the king like to play games.
Is he playing one with me now?
I don't know. No one knows.

And with that, I continue to sail my boat
Getting more and more lost at sea.
Not knowing the difference between the light of lighthouse, or the light of another boat crossing by....

And I don't know if I should ask for directions.

Poetry of some sad CrapWhere stories live. Discover now