Year One Chapter Five

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Draco rushed into the library like a bat outa hell and straight to the restricted section. After about ten minutes of listening to him frantically search, I got up closed my book and went to find him. I sighed "What are ya doing?" I asked. He turned around with a jump and had a look pf sheer fear on his face. I started to laugh. "What?" He asked after realizing that it was only me. "The look on yer face!" I laughed even harder, he playfully shoved my shoulder and started laughing. "What are ya lookin' for?" I asked. "A book on those orbs in your bag." He had books spread all over the tables. "There's a lot more than just orbs in this bag, c'mon I'll show ya." With that I pulled my bag from across my body, set it on the floor and un-did the draw strings. I hopped in and fell. I hit the bottom of the bag and looked around. I had never actually been in here but always wanted to. When you fell, you fell into a sort of ball pit filled with orbs and then went through a magic barrier into the kitchen. Yes kitchen, under the orbs there was a small apartment. Well not really, it was just four walls and a roof with two mattresses on the floor covered in a single blanket and pillow. The kitchen was a corner of the room with two cabinets, a drawer, and a stove. There was a small table with two chairs, also a small dresser and a clothes rack. The dresser had pants in it and the rack had shirts. Mum always said that it was for us girls if we ever needed to hide for some reason. Draco landed on the ground next to me. "What is this place?" He asked while looking around. "Home." I answered. 

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