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The blinding brightness eventually subsides. Wolf opens his eyes and looks around the room. Chunks of the concrete and steel ceiling have crumbled and crashed to the floor, allowing the sun to shine through. Chairs, pens, pencils, and papers have been sent across the room. The canine starts to search around the room for his friends. 

Quickly looking behind himself, Wolf spots Fox and Falco. The bird comforting his vulpine friend while wrapping a torn piece of his jacket around a nasty scratch.  Two of the four now accounted for. Stepping over some rubble he starts heading toward the front of the classroom. There, lots of debris lay scattered about, the cat police officer from earlier slumped against the wall. Wolf checks the feline's pulse, alive but unconscious.

Slippy peaks out from under the table. The little frog sees Wolf inspecting that officer from earlier, "Are they okay?" Wolf nods in response to Slippy. Three of the four now accounted for. Wolf scans the room for (Name), but meek cries for help interject his search. He moves quickly towards the sound, stopping in front of some rubble. The noise was coming from underneath. Hoping his workouts will pay off, Wolf lifts up the piece of ceiling and moves it off the creature underneath. 

Much to the lupine's chagrin, (Name) lies battered with a smaller chunk of concrete and steel crushing his foot. With the rubble's weight off him, (Name) can finally breathe well. He almost gasps as he takes in oxygen regularly again. The cadet speaks weakly, "Wolf?" 

"Hush," Wolf says gently. "No need wasting your strength." The lupine male grimaces at the rubble that still crushes the other male's foot. (Name), having regained airflow, has gotten full brain power and with full brain power comes the searing pain of his shattered foot. Tears well up in the corners of the cadet's eyes. They roll down his face as he rives in pain, simultaneously stifling a pained howl.

It hurts Wolf to his best friend in such terrible pain. But all the canine can really do is get the debris off the foot. Using his strength once again,  Wolf lifts the chunk off the cadet's limb. The sight of said limb is not very pleasing to the eyes. (Name) tries to look at his foot,  unaware of its mangled state, "Is it bad?"

Wolf fights back another grimace. "No, it's fine. Don't worry," Wolf lies through his teeth.  (Name) is helped up by Wolf, only to accidentally put weight on the injured foot. The cadet lurches forward only standing because of Wolf's embrace. (Name) rests his head against Wolf's chest, blushing slightly. The two sit down against the nearby corner. Wolf murrs to help comfort (Name)'s pain. The cadet's breathing slowly gets softer and quieter. The two hold each other, neither speaking a word. 

It's an hour later until emergency responders arrive on campus. Fox and (Name) are taken to the closest hospital while the others are either evacuated immediately or questioned for information first. In the room (Name) is put in, Fox is sitting next to his bed in a chair. They both wear the clothing they took with them, having switched from the sky-colored hospital gowns. A tough blue cast has been put on his foot in order to have it heal back into the correct position. 

The room is filled with the sound of a news report that shares info about the previously transpired event. Fox only half listens to the gecko on the TV. He knows exactly what this means for him. His father and commander of Starfox, James McCloud, had called Fox to have him be part of the team temporarily. Fox hadn't told any of his friends yet, but he would. Fox never was the kind of guy who could just go away without telling anyone close to him, especially if he would be in a potential war and thousands of miles up in space. The vulpine male clicks the power button on the TV remote, "(Name), I've got something important to tell you." The cadet's attention snaps to his friend. "My dad wants me up in the fight, so I will be going away for a while. I just wanted to tell you."

(Name) looks at Fox confused, "Fox, you do know what school we all go to, right? Why can't we help? No reason for you to bear this alone - well, you'll have your dad and his team but that's beside the point." Fox had honestly never thought about it. The reynard mentally facepalms. The two hear a knock at the room's door. Fox says for them to come in and their friends stand outside the doorway. (Name) tilts his head slightly, as would a curious pup, "How did you guys get here? The hospital we're at is like, a city away from the academy, the bus lines are down, and you don't have a car."

Falco speaks much more seriously than usual, "Fox when you are allowed to leave, your father wants you at the parking lot's top floor." The looks on their faces seem like they carry a burden too. To Fox, this means that his friends are already on board for a war. 

"(Name) and I are already discharged so we can leave," Fox says while standing up from the chair. The vulpine male moves over to his friend with a broken foot, ready to support him. (Name) first puts the uninjured foot down then lightly places down the booted foot, careful to keep his weight on the nominal limb. The group leaves the hospital to see a black military truck normally used to move troops around. Outside of it, James McCloud stands patiently. Duffle bags sit in the seats inside the truck as they can see through the open rear doors. Five names, one on each of them.

"Finally, you made it out here," the vulpine father says with a warm smile. "Don't worry we packed both of your stuff from your rooms into the bags with your names on them," he says while pointing at (Name) and Fox.

"Wait, can you legally do that?" When (Name) asks that, James just turns his head far enough down that his eyes look straight into (Name)'s. The cadet feels a shiver go down his spine and suddenly doesn't want to know. The father invites the young adults into the back before hopping in the driver's seat. The five sit down in their respective seats, marked by the bags. Fox and (Name) are the only virgins to the vehicle as the others rode here originally in it. The seats feel uncomfortable to the two.

No one says anything to each other. The most conversation they have are exchanging looks. That is, until Slippy says what everyone was thinking, "What did we just get ourselves into?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2019 ⏰

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