Moving Through the Monster's Lair

Start from the beginning

"Shut it bitch bot, or I will blast you back to the assembly line." said Robot 3.

"Bring it on you tiny scrap metal shit." said Robot 1.

At that, the robots start blasting each other, which brings us back to the group.

"Okay, so to be clear, Edd, you have no kids and you're a man so can't be a mother." said Tord.

"O-okay, but I can still dream." sniffled Edd.

"And Matt, you aren't a father, and also, stop wandering off like you did at the store, that was an embarrassing call to the service desk." continued Tord.

"Okay, fine, but the mirrors will miss me, and so will the children, Todd, think of the children!" cried Matt.

"His name is Tord, Matt, seriously." said Tom.

"And finally Tom, we would both make terrible parents, I mean, when would we have time or even remember we own a dog, the last time we tried to be parents was to a planet and it died." said Tord.

"It didn't die, it got fed up with us and walked out, remember, it even gave us a five page essay on why we failed it." said Tom.

"Oh ya, he also sent a postcard to us from college, and now he's got a job in the Amazon." said Tord.

"Gah, okay seriously, we have a mission, now that everything's cleared up, what about the robots!" yelled Paul.

"Ya, they're standing right ther- hey, where did they go?" asked Patryk.

The group looks but see instead of robots, three soot marks on the ground where they once stood.

"Huh, maybe they got bored and went back to get an oil can." said Edd.

"Eh, whatever, let's just move on, they may still come back." said Tom.

The group moves on, easily finding the first elevator. Tord selects the fifth floor button, and they head up to the next section of the mission.

The elevator dings and the doors open to show another empty hallway.

"Okay, why is this place so empty, not to mention the lack of guards." said Tom.

"Actually Red Leader didn't get a lot of soldiers, they just got the few who were loyal to Tord's ideals, not to mention they didn't take a whole lot of Fusions." said Patryk.

"True, okay, the nest elevator is just a few turns away." said Tord.

They run down the hall, only stopping to check for any guards. Tom was bored and getting impatient.

"Ugh, this is so lame, why didn't you just keep the teleporter in your office, or better yet, make the teleporter teleport into your office?" asked Tom.

"One, that would be a stupid flaw in the design if an enemy got the teleporter and got in, plus it was another clique that I wanted to avoid." said Tord.

Tom facepalms and groans. Why did he love this genius idiot, why?!

The group moves on to the next hall where the elevator was and they notice a figure guarding it.

"Shit, I think it's a Fusion." said Paul.

Edd peeks for his eyes to widen. He knew who this was.

"'s Edon, Eduardo and Jon's Fusion." gasped Edd.

The others look and sure enough, it was the Fusion of their annoying neighbors.

"So they were captured, and they're guarding the elevator." said Tom.

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