1 * Kim Ji-Na

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It was all over the news. An orphanage was temporarily closed. Kids had been neglect, malnourished, abused, and bullied. The list seemed to never end. Every news channel and talk show was covering and discussions. The reason it became so known, was because of SM entertainment.

SM decided to help further promote NCT, they thought it would be good to adopt a child. Similar to 'Hello Baby' except NCT, mainly 127, would be her actual adopted parents/guardians. When the boys arrived something, well, a lot of things seemed very off. Thankfully SM had sent their lawyer who noticed red flags everywhere he looked. Dents in the wall, dirty dishes were hidden in cupboards, Stained beddings, and mattresses, grotesque bathrooms. Kids who hadn't bathed in weeks. Fighting and worse adults ignoring the situation saying "kids will be kids" as if it was normal.

While the boys were still inside their lawyer made a few calls. He was going to shut this place down. It was too much of a health hazard. In doing so the kids would first be sent to the hospital to make sure they were healthy before being sent to another orphanage or foster home. It was the best they could do for so many kids.

The adults were charged with multiple cases of child neglect and abuse. Every employee was going to be spending at least some time in jail.

Thankfully most of the kids were healthy and just needed a good bath and something healthy in their system. Once well enough they were able to be sent to another orphanage or foster home. A few kids had to stay behind but not for long. Except for a young girl around the age of 3. She had a fever that would not go away and a constant tummy ache.

Before the boys had been immediately pulled out they got to meet a few of the kids. One of them being a little girl Ji-Na who was very quiet and seemed shy. Taeyong and Johnny instantly felt attached to the young girl. In learning that they had to leave the boys tried to protest but ultimately had no choice. They said goodbye and began to walk away. The little girl just watched sadly from her spot. It killed the boys to leave the little girl behind.

The boys went on with their schedules. Still, they couldn't help thinking about the little girl they had to leave behind. It was hard not to. The conditions where horrendous. They wanted to take her out of there immediately and ultimately would have if not for their lawyer and circumstances.

The boys overheard that the little girl was the only child left at the hospital. She had a fever that would not go away. Immediately the boys begged to go see her. The staff said they would think about it but not to count on anything. The boys wouldn't leave it alone and had been working hard so SM finally relented. Of course, they only relented if everything was filmed. The boys didn't mind. It was nothing new to them. They were just excited to go and see the little girl.

The first task for filming- Pick out a stuffed animal for the little girl. There is also a time limit. 10 minutes.

Excited the boys found a toy store and walked in. Their jaws dropped at the sight. "There are so many," Johnny spoke feeling slightly overwhelmed. The others nodded in agreement. The walls on either side where lined with rows upon rows of plushies. "How do we even choose?"

"Spread out. Everyone picks their favorite," Taeyong suggested.
Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun and Doyoung all spread out and began to pick a stuffy for the young girl. Mark, Haechan, and Jungwoo separated and began to look down different isles. Baby toys, baby items, bedding.

"Dude, I don't even know what to get a baby. How old is she again?" Mark asked as they wandered the isles.

"3? I don't know. Something pink?" Jungwoo suggested. "Maybe she likes pink." He shrugged.

"What if she likes purple or blue?" Haechan suggested. "Just because she's a girl doesn't mean she'll like pink."

"I guess." Mark shrugged.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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