Wheres my pasta

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Lucifer; have you guys seen my game system I can't find it.

                       •-Alciel joined the chat room•-

Alciel: No? I haven't actually. Plus you play to much games. It's been a hour so don't even think about it.

Lucifer: I can't find it. No it's only been 30 minutes I want it back.

Alciel: pretty sure it's been a hour.

Lucifer: pretty sure it hasn't

                         •— Satan joined the chat room —•

Satan: can you guys shut up? I'm trying to work. I'm the only one who makes money.

Lucifer: then why text back?

Alciel: Don't be so rude to lord satan!

                  •- unknown joined the chat room-•


Lucifer: wow I didn't know you where obsessed with that game to.

Alciel: ummm who added unknown?

Satan: I blame Lucifer

Unknown: I'm Italy!

Satan and Alciel: wtf

Lucifer: awesome-

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