The New Recruit

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The Commander was awoken from his sleep by the head maid, Belfast. She opened the curtains and allowed the sunlight to shine through the room, striking the Commanders face.

"Good morning, Master, did you have a peaceful slumber" She asked as she turned to the Commander.

"Somewhat. Why, something bad happen?"

"Nothing in particular, besides the newcomer that you brought in" she said as she handed him his clothes.

"Yeah, that's pretty weird" he said taking the clothes and going in the bathroom to change. "Wait, How do you already know about that?!"

"Hmm? I was told by Edinburgh. At this point, I believe everyone in the base is notified of that."

"Who told everyone?"

"I assume it was... San Diego? I'm not sure, but there are others who have a mouth as big as her."

The Commander soon exited the bathroom, adjusting his cover. Belfast already having prepared a mug of coffee, handed it to him. They exited the room and began walking towards the infirmary.

"So, status of Yorktown" he asked taking a sip of his coffee, before smacking his lips and looking at the mug, then looking towards Belfast. "Bourbon?"

"She's in the office, working on some of the paperwork. As for your second question, just a tinge to help kickstart your day" she answered, a light smile on her face.

"Tell her to meet me in the infirmary, after that you're free to do what you wish."

"As you wish, Master" she said breaking off from his current path to head towards the office.

As the Commander walked through the base, many of the shipgirls greeted him. Some even wanted to accompany him to see the newcomer. The Commander had turned them down, saying that he must get them adjusted before allowing them to meet everyone. The others were on commissions, sorties, and exercises.

Finally reaching the infirmary, he opened the sliding door to be greeted by Vestal.

"Shikikan, good morning."

"Good morning, Vestal. Where are you headed off to" he said as he noticed the toolkit in her hands.

"I'm heading off to see if I can repair the ship itself outside. I noticed it through the window, looks almost as bad as Enterprise does when she pushes herself."

"Ahh, understood. Carry on then, and remember to take a break every once in awhile. And if you need to use the Manjuus, go on ahead."

"Understood Shikikan, I'll inform you of my progress later on" she said walking past him and towards the outside.

After the short discussion with Vestal, the Commander walked into the infirmary and towards the bed. He looked at the ship that washed ashore last night, sleeping peacefully on the bed. Short black hair with a bit covering his left eye, pale skin that would soon return to its color, and a high muscular build.

"Vestal did a real good job of taking care of you" he said turning away and looking at the diagnostic report that Vestal had left behind. It appears that he had suffered shrapnel lodgings in his arms, internal bleeding on several organs, and a bone fracture in his femur. "Dear God, She's a miracle worker whatever way you put it."

"Yeah, She is" a voice had called out, a bit deeper than the shipgirls voices.

"Oh, you're awake?"

"Indeed" The ship said sitting up.

"Woah, easy there" the Commander said tossing aside the diagnostic report and placing his hands on the ships shoulders. "Vestal would kill me if you suddenly start roaming."

Azur Lane: The New RecruitsWhere stories live. Discover now