I then did my hair a makeup

Has I was putting on my earrings Aurora came in front of me and had her arms out for me to pick her up has she call out for me N-ok hold baby She started winning more then she had the audacity to hit me and that's the first time she's ever hit me ...

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Has I was putting on my earrings Aurora came in front of me and had her arms out for me to pick her up has she call out for me
N-ok hold baby
She started winning more then she had the audacity to hit me and that's the first time she's ever hit me
N-No! u do not hit me
I picked her up and she looked at me
N-Wht have got in to u
She been acting up for the past couple weeks but she's never hit me so I just took a deep breath grabbed my phone and we left

*at the mall*
We came to the mall because we're getting Alex some presents the getting my nails done and getting Auroras feet done sense we had time till we had to be there
So we got Alex presents then got my nails and Auroras feet done

*at the mall*We came to the mall because we're getting Alex some presents the getting my nails done and getting Auroras feet done sense we had time till we had to be there So we got Alex presents then got my nails and Auroras feet done

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Aurora just got white polish so I paid and we went to the hospital

*at the hospital*
I had Aurora hand as we walked to Alex door once I opened it I saw Alex sitting on the edge of the bed dressed already Carlos,des,Diego, and sam was all talking but they all stopped when they seen us come through the door and I had the bag covered my stomach Aurora let go of my hand and ran to Alex he couldn't really bend over like that so I went over to them and gave handed him Aurora
A-aww she missed me
N-yea a little too much
A-Wht do u mean by that
N-ever since u haven't been at home she's been acting up and this morning she hit me
He looked down at my stomach then at me
A-y u got the bag over ur stomach like that
N-like Wht
A-like u hiding something
N-well I have a surprise but I have to put down Aurora first
Des-can I hold her
A-yea here
Des grabbed Aurora then I had Alex stand up and I stood in front of him but facing Carlos and them
N-ok wait I'm scared um Diego can u grabbed this bag
He came and grabbed it and I seen Carlos and Sam recording
N-ok Alex give me ur hands
I grabbed his arms and put his hands right above my bump
N-now I want u to move ur hands arounds
He did as told and it took him a couple seconds to realize that his hands was going over the bump over and over again
A-wait hold the fuck up nova turn around*backs up*
I slowly turned around and faced him and his mouth dropped open then he pulled me into a hug after a couple seconds I heard him sniff so I lefted his head and he was crying
N-babe y are crying
A-because I thought u lost the baby
N-no it's just I was wearing baggy clothes because it was comfortable
I wiped his tears with my tumb he immediately kissed me as we pulled away I give him a few pecks and he hugged me again but this time he hugged me tight
Des-oh shit
N-Wht happened
Des-Carlos kept getting in her face and she punched him in the eyes
N-see Alex shes learning to hit people
A-I see where tf is she learning that shit from tho
Des-maybe me and Carlos cause when she stay over and we be live some times we play fight while she looks and laughs
N-ohh so she copy y'all
C-yea and she fucking hits like y'all
Me and Alex chuckled then the doctor came in and discharged him they wouldn't let me do anything since I was at high risk with this pregnancy so I just carried Aurora
N-u know I can help to
A-no ur not helping just relax I don't got time for something to happen to u or the baby
N-but Alex
A-no buts
N-first ur the one suppose to be relaxing u got shot and just got outta the hospital trying to carry ur things to the car
A-I'm not the only one helping Carlos and Diego is helping
N-but I wanna be helpful like everyone else
A-I said no and that's the bottom line!!
Everything got quite and now that I'm pregnant again my emotions are everywhere so ofc I shedded a tear but quickly wiped it before anyone noticed once the elevator doors opened I quickly got off before anybody else and speeded walked to the car with Aurora

Alex POV
Once nova walked off the elevator and started speed walking out the door I noticed she kept wiping her face as we all walked out the elevator
Des-Alex u made her cry
A-I didn't mean to I just don't want her to get hurt she already at high risk
Des-u could have been more idk sweeter with her remember her emotions are everywhere now that's she pregnant
A-Ik Ik
C-and she's right about u having to relaxing
A-ok chill I get it
We got to the car I put the stuff in the car the walked to novas side and since she didn't close her door yet and was sitting sideways I grabbed her legs and stood in between them as I let go of them and grabbed he waist
A-look I'm srry I made u feel like I didn't need help or u as my wife could help me because ur a girl
N-it's not that u didn't want me to help it was the fact that ir trying to do everything ur self when u have me
A-Ik and I'm just worried about u and the kids that's all babe
I pecked her lip and few times then I seen everyone was finished so I said bye to the boys des said bye to nova and i got in the car I put on my seatbelt and so did nova as I pulled off I put my hand on novas stomach and rubbed it because Ik she's been wanting me to rub her stomach but obviously I couldn't so now I'm able to
N-idk y but when ever I'm pregnant stomach rubs are the best
A-aww wait till we get on the house
From the corner of my eye I saw her smile causing me to smile

*at home* novas POV
We got out the car I grabbed Aurora and took her to her room because she was sleep Alex decided that he will get his stuff out the car in the morning so he just grabbed his phone I walked in the room and saw him sitting on the bed so I walked over to him and sat next him
N-u ok
A-yea but um u wanna watch movies for the rest of the day
N-yea let me change
I pecked his lip then I changed

*at home* novas POV We got out the car I grabbed Aurora and took her to her room because she was sleep Alex decided that he will get his stuff out the car in the morning so he just grabbed his phone I walked in the room and saw him sitting on the ...

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I put my hair in to a ponytail then got in bed Alex took off his shirt and cuddled with me we agreed on a movie and just relaxed

The gang leader I fell in love with 😍 {Alex Guzman}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora