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*skip two weeks*
I woke up excited today because I get to see my baby so I carefully got outta bed because Aurora slept with me last night but I got in the shower washed my hair and my normal routine once I got out I straightened my hair then got dressed

*skip two weeks*I woke up excited today because I get to see my baby so I carefully got outta bed because Aurora slept with me last night but I got in the shower washed my hair and my normal routine once I got out I straightened my hair then got d...

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Then I woke up Aurora I give her a bath and put her on some clothes

N-Aurora u wanna rub mommy's cream on her belly She nodded as she ran over to me I laughed as I grabbed the cream and we walked over to the bed I sat her on the bed and stood in front of her and put some of the cream on her hand then lifted up my ...

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N-Aurora u wanna rub mommy's cream on her belly
She nodded as she ran over to me I laughed as I grabbed the cream and we walked over to the bed I sat her on the bed and stood in front of her and put some of the cream on her hand then lifted up my shirt to show my stomach
N-ok now rub here*points to her stomach*
When she started rubbing the cream in I Recorded her because it was cute as she was doing it the baby was moving she was scared and she was laughing at the same time causing me to giggle once she was done I helped her wash her hands then I walked her to the stairs
N-Sam u downstairs
N-can u come get Aurora
Sam came and grabbed Aurora I walked downstairs behind them they went to the living room I went to the kitchen grabbed a water when I turned around I saw Alex standing in the door way which made tears start rolling down my face I sat the water down and walked over to Alex covering my face he met me half way and wrapped his arms around me as I slowly wrapped my arms around his torso
A-miss me
I quickly pulled outta the hug and punched him hard as I could in his chest
A-owww!!*holds his chest*
N-I fucking hate u Alexander*hugs him again* don't do that u made me think u didn't love me anymore*sniffs*
A-Never think that ok*chuckles*
I looked up at him as he looked down at me and he pecked my lip then he wiped my tears with his thumbs
N-u own me more and I want them now Alex
A-ok*giggles and kiss her*
We pulled away from the hug he kneeled down in front of my stomach and kissed it while he rubbed it causing me to giggle
A-hey baby it's dada and even tho I don't know what u are yet I still love u
N-yea Alex ur son has been kicking my ass
A-wait it's a boy
He stood up and kissed me as we both smiled in the kiss he moved a piece of my hair behind my ear
A-*pulls away from the kiss*u told me u didn't know the gender
N-I didn't not till Friday when u told me u were coming back I decided to make a appointment instead of waiting till birth
A-about I take u to go get something to eat and I'll explain everything
N-sure are we taking Aurora
A-yea I wanna spend time with my family
We walked in the living room and Aurora turned and looked at us
Au-*gasps*dada*runs over to him*
He smiled as he picked her up and they hugged
N-u did say hi to her first
A-They went upstairs cause when I came in I saw them walking in the hallway to her room
S-Alex dude u seen novas little waddle it's so cute
A-yea I seen
N-both y'all stfu
They laughed as I rolled my eyes then me Alex and Aurora left

*at in n and out*
We sat in the car eating and once we where done Aurora went to sleep and I looked at Alex
N-so u gonna tell me y u left
A-yea right umm so I left because my dad threaten to hurt u guys if I stayed and when I got shot he sent someone to do it
N-I thought u didn't know who shot u
A-I said that so I wouldn't stress u out
N-oh*looks at her stomach and rubs it*
He lifted my shirt a little bit then put is hand on my stomach and looked at me
A-listen I'm not even suppose to be around u rn but ur having my son and I'm not gonna not be around u ur my wife and u have my daughter two ur about to give birth to my son my only son and first at that so after u give birth and a month have past I want us to move to bora bora
N-where we had our honeymoon
A-yes but in a house with just me u Aurora and our son
N-but what about everyone else
A-they can visit or we can visit but I just wanna leave and start over with u so are u down?
N-...yea sure lets do it
He smiled at me then kissed me and my stomach we went back to the house he grabbed Aurora and helped me walked to the house because my back was killing we saw that Sam left so we went upstairs Alex put Aurora in her room I went to the room changed

I walked out the bathroom and seen Alex sitting on the bed in his sweats he looked at me and smiled I walked over to the bed and laid down he laid his head next to my baby bump as I played with his hair because I knew he missed when I did that A-h...

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I walked out the bathroom and seen Alex sitting on the bed in his sweats he looked at me and smiled I walked over to the bed and laid down he laid his head next to my baby bump as I played with his hair because I knew he missed when I did that
A-holy shit that feels good
I giggled and continued to play with his hair till we fell asleep

(So I'm srry to say this but the next chapter is the last chapter of this book but I wanna start a new book about Alex cause I do t really know about anybody else I mean I probably heard of them but I dont know them like I know Alex so Wht should it be about oh and happy New Years cause am post this chapter early)

The gang leader I fell in love with 😍 {Alex Guzman}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora