The Greatest Gift

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"Good morning, Izuku." Sensei greeted the green haired child as he placed down a book about quirks. "This book is very interesting if you want to read it."

"S-Sorry for worrying you..."

"That's not a problem, Izuku." Sensei stood as he calmly approached the child. "But, I do have an offer for you."

"A-Another?" he asked as he saw Sensei nod.

"This is much different however."

"W-What is it?" he asked with childlike curiosity.

"Tell me...your quirkless are you not?"

Izuku looked down at the floorboards. "Y-Yes..." he croaked out softly.

"You know...I can fix that." He said as the child looked up. "I can give you a quirk."

The child's eyes couldn't grow any larger. "Y-You can?"

Sensei nodded. "But let me tell you something first." He said as the child took in every word. "You need to train and get stronger before I give you a quirk."

Izuku nodded as he continued. "Secondly, we are outcasts, thrown to the side of society and treated as villains. I'm sure you know what that means?"

"I can never be a hero." Izuku said as he remembered his parents' the hands of a hero, a selfish hero who was willingly to use innocent lives. "If heroes are like that, then I never want to be a hero!"

Izuku felt Sensei's hand patting his head. "Yes, to society you being quirkless is pretty much equivalent to worthless." Sensei said. "But, you have the most potential."


"All quirkless people have to work ten times harder, and even then, some of the strongest willed people were quirkless."

"R-Really?" he asked with a bit too much hope.

Sensei nodded again. "Now tell me Izuku...what's your opinion on All Might?" he asked the child.

"...I'm unsure now. I-I used to think he was a great hero...but..."

"You still have doubts? That's understandable." He smiled at the child. "However...I will tell you he is not all he seems to show himself as. The number one hero, the symbol of peace, All Might...he would even tell you...that you being quirkless is worthless. Unfit to be a hero without a quirk."

Izuku looked down to the floor once more. All Might too?

"Despite society looking down at you, I believe in you Izuku." Sensei said as he waved his hand. "I believe in your potential, not as a hero, but as a fellow outcast that would label us a villain at the smallest word of complaint."

And that's when Izuku unleashed the tears he didn't know how long he was holding back.


He watched as he gave Izuku some papers on what to do. Shigaraki took the time to help his new younger brother.

However, he needed someone to watch them.

"I'll make sure they'll stay safe." A male voice said. He was entirely made up of mist and wore an elegant suit with a tie and five metal plates that go from around his collarbone to just below his eyes.

"Thank you, Kurogiri." He said before turning back to his work.

His finger tapped patiently on the desk as he saw another article of All Might appear on the corner of a most trending topic.

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