Chapter 1

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The sun started to shine into Y/N's room as it slow hit his face. Y/N woke up rather groggy as he sat up and yawned. He rubbed his eyes and saw that it was morning outside.

Y/N: Well it's a new day. Best I get ready for whatever happens I guess.

He got out of bed and got ready for the day. The first thing he did was some stretches to fully wake himself up which he does every morning. As he stretched a folded piece of paper fell out of his pocket. He went to pick it up and opened as he smiled seeing what it is. It was a picture of him and his family all smiling in front of their house.

His mom was on his right and dad on his left while Ciara Max and Lucas were sitting in front of him as they made a heart shape with their arms. Y/N had his arms around them while Lexie was hugging him from behind. Each of them smiling with Y/N along with his brothers and sisters having the biggest and brightest smiles.

Y/N: I'm really worried bout them. Said as he sighed. I just hope that whatever this guy wants doesn't take long. I wanna go back and make sure my siblings are alright.

Any other person wouldn't be worried too much however for Y/N he was extremely worried. Being the older brother of four siblings makes him be extremely protective of them along with always being worried about them when they get sick. Seeing how he was in a different world, he would have to put that aside for now and focus on what's happening now. He folded the picture and placed it back in his pocket.

He exited his room and saw that Motoyasu and the others were walking down the hall being lead by a guide.

Motoyasu: Yo morning Y/N.

Y/N: Morning.

Itsuki: How did you sleep?

Y/N: Not too bad. Beds are comfortable. So you guys heading to meet the king.

Rin: Yes though after we get breakfast that is.

Y/N: Food does sound good. Can't do anything on an empty stomach.

Motoyasu: You're right about that. Said smiling. Come on let's go get some food.

Y/N followed them as they were lead to the dining hall where food was already prepared for them. Each of them took their seats and started to eat after saying thanks. As they ate Y/N was amazed at how good the food tasted along with the food texture as well.

Y/N 'thought': Wow this food is amazing. Honestly, mom's cooking is great but this is awesome. I definitely wanna get her the recipes here and bring them home. Mom loves cooking and if she gets new recipes she'll keep at it till she has it down my memory flat.

They continued to eat their food until they were satisfied. Once they were done, they made their way to the throne room. When they opened the doors, Y/N noticed that it had more people than before as they were on the balcony on the level above them.

Y/N 'thought': If I had to guess those must be noble families or something given how they're all here. Probably to get praise or something from us 'heroes'.

The four of them walked towards the king as they stopped a couple of feet away.

Aultcray: We have gathered the greatest warriors in the land. These brave souls will fight the waves alongside you.

He saw that before the king were several warriors and mages all facing them each varying on size and weaponry. As he looked through them one of them caught his eye.

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