the cafe around the corner

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NCT Johnny x reader

it was a terrible day. it was raining. you forgot your umbrella. class was terrible. your makeup was ruined.

on your way back to your apartment you stumbled upon a newly opened cafe and decided to take refuge there from the pouring rain.

you were instantly greeted by the tall barista.

"welcome. nice weather we're having huh?" he said.

"clearly..." you responded.

you took a seat at the counter and let out a deep sigh.

"long day?" he asked.

"yeah. can i get a black coffee?" you said.

He shot you a quick smile before preparing your drink. you take out your phone and realize you look like a whole mess.

"oh god..." you sighed.

the barista set the cup in front of you before asking you what's up.

"i look like a mess."

"really now? on the contrary, i think you look fine."

"oh wow very funny" you said sarcastically.

"no seriously. i only spit facts. and the fact is you are very pretty."

at that moment, you felt shocked that a random stranger, a HANDSOME random stranger, complimented you.

"enjoy your drink" he said before tending to other customers.

you finish your drink and look outside to see that it's still raining. you pay for your drink and head towards the door preparing to run back to your apartment. before you can leave you feel a presence behind you.

you turn around and see the barista holding an umbrella out to you.

"here take this. it looks like you might need it."

"oh my god my hero" you rolled your eyes. "thanks anyways though"

he chuckled. "of course. see you around."

after that, your terrible day turns not so terrible.

the next day you went back to return the umbrella to the barista but he wasn't there. you decided to ask the person working to return it for you.

"hey i borrowed this umbrella from the barista that worked here yesterday can you return it for me?"

"what do they look like?" the other barista asked.

"oh he was super tall."

"OH you mean Johnny. ya i'll give it back to him? what's your name so i can tell him you brought it back."

"it's y/n. thank you so much."

since then, you've been visiting the cafe everyday after class and talked to Johnny more and more and got to know him. some time along the way, you exchanged numbers and talked every night as well.

as time went on you realized you caught feelings for him in such a short time. why? is it because love is in the air? or is it the way he makes you laugh? or is it his charming smile that gives you butterflies? or all of the above?

one day at the cafe, you two were just talking while he was making you a latte.

"and so i was sitting there, barbecue sauce on my tiddies," johnny laughed

"you mean tiTTies?"

"no. ti-DEES"

"dees?" you said in disbelief.

" DEEZ NUTZ" he shouted.

you facepalmed. "why am i even friends with you?"

"because i'm handsome and charming. i'm prince charming"

"i know" you said under your breath while shaking your head.

"OH so you think i'm handsome?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"and what if i do?"

"OH MY GOD. scandalous. at least take me out on a date first. i can't believe this" johnny said dramatically while covering his face.

"hey johnny"

"what?" he looked up from his hands.

"you want to go out on a date with me? haha just kidding....."

"unless?" he smiled.


"alright it's a date"

you both just smiled and laughed about what just happened.

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