Chapter 1

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Luna P.O.V

School is always the same and when I said the same I mean getting attacked by all the boys in the student-body.

They always want me to be the Gf but I let them down each time but I have my eyes set on one guy, and that's it.

When I looked down at my watch I saw it was close to class starting so I ran to my locker and grabbed my books.

Then ran to class which starts in 1min when I got to the room there was 5 seconds left, so I sat at the back of the room.

When I looked up I saw a boy wearing a white hoodie and he had black hair, he was looking straight at me.

i wanted to ask him on why he was staring at me but instead he sat right by me and continued to stare and i didn't care.

i mean I'm not that pretty but yet boys think different of me, I bet he thinks of me different.

~lunch zone~

I sat at a table with my friends and try notice that I was paying attention, so they looked to where I was looking and found the boy at a table alone.

Ina: Luna

Me: Hmm

Ina: Go talk to him

Me: What!! no

Shina: then stop staring

Me: tell him that

Orchar: we dont have to

Me: what do you mean?

Ina grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my seat and pushed me twords him i could feel heat rising in my face, but when i tried to walk away i tripped.

I closed my eyes and waited to huit the ground but it never can instead i felt someones arms around me, so I opened my eyes to find myself in that boys arm.

I turn a darker shade of red and I could tell that everyone was staring and I think I could see a hint of anger on the all the boys faces just cause the guy that been staring at me caught me.

I never did see his face but only his black hair and his white hoodie but the one thing I really wanted to know was his name.

Sorry if this chapter was short and only had Luna's P.O.V but I don't want to get in trouble with my parents just for staying up on a schools night and besides I'm updating this chapter a 11:22 at night where I am so goodnight and sleep well if you can.

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