Later at a very expensive house
" Natalie, I have a very important gift for you. Come here." Her husband said.
" Oh wow." Natalie replied.
" Flawlessly cut diamonds set in platinum. Over 383 karats. My great grandfather gave that you his wife on his wedding day. Tomorrow it's yours." Her husband told her.
" Tomorrow. That's torture."Natalie said.
Just then a guy came through their air vent after they had gone inside.

" Did you see his face?" Iris asked Natalie the next morning.
" Barely. I wouldn't describe him as a man. He was wearing some clown mask." Natalie said.
" You're sure that the necklace was the only thing that was stolen?" Iris asked.
" Yes. " Natalie said as they walked away.

I sees Iris and goes up to her.
" Hey,what a surprise." I tell her.
" Yeah. A million dollar theft is still news in Central City so." Iris says trailing off.
" So you're off the metas, huh?" I asked  my beautiful wife.
" Yeah I am. Hey you know what I think I'll just follow up on this while it's still fresh. I'll see you tonight!" Iris told me.
" Hang on. Why don't we pool resources, maybe solve this one together.  Come on why don't we grab some Big Belly on the way to STAR Labs.  It'll be like a date." I told Iris.
" Yeah all right." Iris said.
" All right." I said as we zoomed over.

With Nora and Cecile
" This is the life. Seriously no shrap from mom." Nora said.
" Shrap?" Cecile asked.
" Yeah. Shrap. You know like all the nagging mom does.  But what she wants really is a boring  quiet daughter who wants to stay inside all day instead of going out and doing something the least bit dangerous." Nora said.
" Nora, this is the West house. In it every West is treated with respect, especially your mother. I'm sure she raised you as best she could." Cecile said.
" She raised me to be afraid of the world. But I'm a hero, like dad. And we have to keep moving until someone who  needs us is safe." Nora said.
" Okay."Cecile says and points to the crib.
" What is this for?" Nora asked.
" By the time Papa Joe gets back this table should be built. You wanted wanted to keep moving." Cecile said looking at Nora.
" Oh, do I have to." Nora asks.
" Yes. All right I'll make you a deal. For every chore you do I'll tell you one thing that Papa Joe told me   about your father that didn't get into the precious Flash museum." Cecile said.
" Oh Mama Cecile,the museum has all of dad's accomplishments." Nora said.
" Including the time Barry landed in an alternate past filled with gold giants called " Grodans"? " Cecile asks Nora.
" Grodans?" What?" Nora asks Cecile.
" Yeah!" Cecile says.
Nora then uses her super speed and built the cradle.
" Done." Nora says.
" Not done. Wait for it." Cecile says and the cradle falls apart.
Then she  dangles nails in plastic bag.
" Huh?" Nora asks.
" Yeah!" Cecile says.

At Hudson university
"So why does Caitlin have a key to Professor Stein's office?" Sherloque asks.
" Clarrisa gave me a key. She also didn't know that Stein and my father knew each other either. I wonder what he was doing in here." Cait said.
" Well Mr Ramon can vibe the chalkboard." Sherloque said.
" What do you think?" Ralph asks.
Cisco vibes.
" What did  you see?" Ralph asks.
" I saw Hydrogen bonds bonded over and over again. Two oxygen at absolute zero." Cisco said.
He writes on the board.
" It's like it's making heavy  water." Cisco says.
" Not heavy water. Ice." Sherloque says.
" Another one of my father's hidden messages?" Cait asks.
She writes Khione.
"Khione?" Cait says.
" What kind of a message is Khione?" Cisco asks.
" A clear one. At least to me. Look Mr Ramon you said earlier that you could see that Dr. Snow, her father sketching something, right? That sketch that you could almost make out, did it look something like this?" Sherloque asks as he shows a picture of Khione.
" Good lord are you a speedster?" Ralph asks.
" Speed Sketcher. Modest talent." Sherloque says.
" My father was drawing me?" Cait asks.
" Not you. Khione." Sherloque says.
" Killer Frost." Cait said.
" So whatever Thomas was doing, he knew there were two of you." Ralph says.
" Also it stand to  reason that Thomas was there the at the point of creation of Killer Frost." Sherloque finishes.
" So he knew the truth about Killer Frost. He knew who I really am.Did I scare him away?" Cait asks.
" No its not your fault. I don't know why he left and we're going to prove it, right now." Cisco says.
" You okay?" Cait asks.
" Yeah. Lost my footing there for a second." Cisco says.
" What? What did you see?" Cait asks.
" You ever heard of Vieira Chemicals." Cisco asks.
" Oh it's an old chem lab in the Barrens but it's been shut down for years." Cait said.

Barry and Iris OSWhere stories live. Discover now