When will you find me?

Start from the beginning

                        The bell rang and I went to my locker to get my sketch book since my next lesson was art, my favourite. I could do whatever I wanted and nobody could really judge me. I closed my locker and bumped into something really hard I never knew they build a wall there, was all I could think about. I held my nose as I felt the pain go to my head starting a mild headache. I looked up to see Jake looking down at me with a confused expression on his face. I pointed at his locker door and then at my nose his face flickered from confusion to realization. I could see amusement written on his face but he tried to keep it hidden.

'I am so sorry'

'It's okay I wasn't looking where I was going...nobody's ever had that locker before so I wasn't expecting anybody there.....sorry' I said and walked away. I looked down and shook my head....Oh my god why did he have to be my locker buddy wasn't I trying to stay 5 miles away from him.  Oh well I'm just going to have to see what happens next.

                          I went to art and Miss Carmon or as she prefers Ellie cam into class five minutes late carry three boxes of random stuff which prevented us from seeing her face. Chase went and helped her out he was the captain of the football team played with every girl and broke every girl. He tried to get me once but I completely ignored him and since he has never even looked my way not that I mind I can't get distracted since I have to make as much money as possible for College and a place for both me and my mum to stay so we can finally get away from that good for nothing Ben.

                          'Well class welcome for you third year of high school, oh I loved this year it was the year when I found my real passion for art and my first love' there were awwws  and wolf whistles coming from all over the classroom I just sat there admiring Ellie's confidence and I always hoped to be like her someday. This semester our project was about 'Emotions'. Everybody got their books out and started brainstorming their ideas. An idea popped into my head and I was definite in what I was going to do. So I listed all the emotions and wrote everything from music to books to movies that were attached to those emotions.  The bell rang indicating the end of lesson as everybody piled into the cafeteria to meet up with their cliques. However I went to the library with my lunch and ate in the back corner reading Romeo and Juliet. The bell rang giving me five minutes to get to my locker and grab my books. I had maths next which I didn't really mind I mean I was ahead of the class by at least a week or two so I could relax a bit.

                               I went into the classroom and sat on my normal table. I had three guys and two girls on my table since our teacher preferred when we worked in groups. Skyler a.k.a sky was sitting to my right he was a punk/Goth since he had piercings all over his face and who knows where else and there wasn't one day that went without him being a complete downer or wearing his eyeliner, Rocky was his girlfriend she was the same as him punk/Goth but they were both really talkative I mean normally you would thing that Goths would keep quiet and ignore others but no it was actually quite hard to shut them up. Then there was Julia she was a cheerleader but she wasn't really one of Lily's major followers, she would still communicate with people outside her clique, She had short blond hair and sapphire eyes and she was the small bubbly type of person- we got all the gossip from her so she wasn't the most trustworthy. And lastly there were the twins, they were identical twins although they died their hair different colour, Jack had blue hair and Tim had pink hair for now at least their hair colour changed every month or so, and Jack was gay but that fact never disgusted Tim which I found really sweet.

                                Right now it turned that the oh-so-special-new-guy was in our class and every girl and Jack were admiring him while some guys gave him high fives, glares or did the guy handshake thing. Mrs Lee came in and told Jake what table he was sitting at.....and guess what HE WAS SITTING NEXT TO ME!!!!! 

                              He sat next to me and introduced himself to everybody, he seemed to have won everyone over since him and Sky were into the same type of music which got him on sky's good list and so Rocky liked him too then there was Jack and Tim who were both into sports and obviously so was Jake so they were all buddy now, and finally Julia....well she had already fallen for him with all the other cheerleader for his looks. But he completely ignored me, not even one glance, it sort of hurt me but then again I was used to it nothing new.

'So how is everybody doing on this table' asked Mrs Lee as she made her way around the tables.  I smiled at her and nodded with the others. She went round to Jake who seems to be paying no attention to her.

'Well Mr Blaine I hope you know that I like to give spot tests every other week or so and I always expect a hundred percent from students who think that they don't need to do any work' She smiled innocently and walked off.....yep she can be really scary when she wants to. I looked at Jake to see him still staring where Mrs Lee was and he looked scared.

'You okay man?' Tim asked observing the same thing as me.

'Yeah.....hey is it true that she gives spot tests?'

'Oh yeah every other week...it's just to recap on the previous lesson that's all'

'Oh shit!'

'What's the matter?'

'Well if I don't get good grades in any of my tests I'm going to an all boy's boarding school and I just can't do maths'

'Oh well don't worry about the spot tests they don't count but if you want you can get a tutor'

'Yeah I probably will have to...do you know any good ones'

'Well I do maths tutoring but if you want the best maths tutor than we have our very own Anya' my eyes widened as my name was mentioned. I glared at Tim but he just smiled at me.....I could never be mean to someone without a valid reason so I let out a sigh. Jake was looking at me expectantly.

'What time are you free?' I finally said and he looked relieved.

'Anytime after school except for Tuesdays I have football practise'

'Okay I can come at your place around say six'

'Sure let me just write down my address and number' the bell rang, and I got up and collected my books getting ready to go to my next and last lesson Chemistry. He handed me the slip of paper

'Um.....thanks by the way for tutoring me it didn't seem like you wanted to so yh...thanks'

'It's not that I didn't want to it's just um....well-'

'Don't worry no explanation needed'

'Sorry.....I'll um see you later' with that we both left the classroom.

In chemistry I couldn't think of anything but Jake and it was frustrating me.

. What was wrong with me I don't like him or anything? And anyway I need to concentrate on my new job that I'm going to start today. Unfortunately I got fired from my old job in McDonald's. For my new job I had to babysit a five year old boy until 5:30 but they were paying me like a hundred and fifty per week. Hopefully the kid will be easy, I mean I like kids they are so cute but I just can't stand t when they play pranks and stuff on me. Oh well we'll just have to wait and see........


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