FelicityxBullied!Reader - Goodbye Sandra Lewman

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You walked down the secret stair case, under the old Queen’s Consolidated, now bar, building, into the Vigilante Secret Base. You’re carrying all your textbooks for school, cradling them like a baby in your two arms. It was lunch, and you left school, not caring if you got in trouble. You kept your head low and made sure your (hair color) hair was loose, and covering your face. You hoped your hair would hide the fresh bruises on your face, in case anyone was still in the secret room, which was highly unlikely.

When you reached the bottom of the metal stairs you were certain no one else was there, so you lifted you head, showing your bruises to the room full of rich people technology. As soon as you lifted your head you saw Felicity facing you in her chair with a worried look on her face.

You jump startled, but soon recover from the scare, quickly trying to re-hide the damage on your face. But it was too late. Felicity had already realized something was wrong.

“(Your name), what’s wrong? What happened to your face?”

“Oh nothing. Just a mishap with a dodgeball in gym.”

“You don’t have gym this semester.” You wince at your mistake and look at Felicity with innocent eyes, knowing you had been caught.

She got up from her chair and walked over to where you were standing. She put her hand on your cheek and rubbed your bruises with her thumb. Her hands were soft and she was gentle enough that the pressure of her hand didn’t hurt the bruises.

“What happened?” She asked again, but her voice was gentler than before.

“I’m a teenager, Felicity. It was inevitable that I would be bullied someday.” You say, trying to avoid the details.

Felicity goes back to her chair, realizing you uncomfortable state.

“What was the person’s name?”


“Who was the person who did that to you?”

“Sandra Lewman?” You question, worried of what Felicity was going to do next.

Felicity turns in her chair so she faces her fancy electronics, again. She starts typing away. You walk up behind her to find, on one of the computer screen, every one of Sandra’s profiles, on every social media site.

“Feel like having some fun?” Felicity asks, a mischievous smile on her face.

She scoots over, so you can pull up a chair next to her. You watch, and laugh, together, as Felicity types in code, getting your revenge on Sandra Lewman.

Hours go by, and you non-meaningly skip the rest of school. You don’t care, because now you know, no matter what, you’ll always have a friend in Felicity.

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