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Wind rustled past my ear. I could hear them, and their taunts and ugly words. Those who taunts me, calls me names, the bane of all my hate. Those who are chasing around town, with rocks and sticks. I hate them. Twisting and turning through the small alleys an approaching chain linked fence was ignored until the last second. I leaped over it with a burst of energy, barely making it with no scrapes. However my backpack got caught, jerking me back. I jerked just as hard back.

Most of uglies behind me were going too fast to stop. Only the leader and five others from the back made it. The gap between the sides of the alley was so skinny my body had blocked it so that they couldn't see it till it was too late. I heard groans from the pile up.

I know what I did to "deserve" this. I just stood up to them. Told them to stop taking lunch money from a nerd. They had been doing this entire time I lived here. The nerd also happened to be my brother. They were getting pretty rough with him to. Swearing, pushing, punching, and pinching.

The poor kid already had a black eye from yesterday. I couldn't take it anymore. I told them to shut up and leave my little brother alone. That really hurt them bad. Stood up to by a newbie. Later that day I got a black eye to match my brother. That happened four months ago. I have lived here five. Long enough to know what would happen if I did. I still did it anyway.

Whistling noise was the only warning I got before I felt rocks hit my backpack. Shock coursed through my body. I can't believe that they throw rocks at me. Felt like some decent sized rocks. Left decent size bruises too. Now my back aches. Curving sharply, around a corner, I headed to the woods through an alley. I needed to get to the woods. It was my last hope. Or at least to get over the wall.

Dodging dumpsters, cars, and the occasional hobo, I looked back just in time to see one of the idiots trip on a homeless man taking a nap that I had just jumped over. Hobo yelled and started to beat the kid. Finally, one of them gets a piece of their own medicine. Five left. I also saw Joe Evbru ten feet behind. "We'll get you", he screamed. Six foot six, 200 lbs, at least half of that muscle, Joe is a force to be reckoned with.

He is the type you don't want to mess with. He always claims his last name is short for "everywhere bruised." He always wears a thin, white, tank top with faded, ripped shorts. The school has a "no tattoo rule." They made an exception for Joe. He has tattoos on all of his arms.
Skulls, guns, and gore. Joe scares everybody. He even scares the teachers. You can always tell where he is in the hallways. Everybody moves to get out of his way. He is so stereotypical its funny. Even the people in his group stay far from him as possible. They call themselves Bruisers.

"Get back here!!" screamed Joe. Straining my eyes I started to see the tip of the trees over the brick wall. Seeing them gave me hope and a boatload of more energy. I really needed that energy too. My backpack had three 400-paged books in it. Joe must have realized my plan because he started to pound his feet on the ground even harder. I raced to the wall, praying that I made could make the leap.
The wall was about seven feet, solid brick all the way through. It is the boundary of our town. It is the thing that separates it from the woods. It wraps all the way around the town. Luck was with me that day because I saw an over turned crate up against the wall.

I knew it was there. In fact, I placed it that exact spot. There was no way even I could jump a wall that big without a little help. Some once said that in a war, it is necessary to scope out the battlefield. I was in a war. Smaller, but still a war. Me verses the Bruisers. They had a lot more people than me, so I had a disadvantage there.
However I had an bigger advantage. I knew everything about this town. Every brick in every alley and street, who lives were, the dead-ends, the looping alleyways, everything. I knew more about their home than the gang did and I hadn't been here long. That made the Bruiser mad. I had planned standing up to them long before I actually did it. From the moment they first hit my brother.

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