We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean? Connor's dead"

"I mean, Connor's death won't prevent him from making Amelia his final werewolf to kill" he said.

"She'll need to come with me now. Keep her away from any sharp objects" he added.

"She's not going anywhere with you" I said.

"But if we leave her alone, she'll take her own life before the day is out" he says.

"She's stronger than that" I said.

"Of course she is but believe me, it's for her own good"

*Amelia POV*

I was looking at myself one last time in the mirror before I was headed off to Tyler's.

I looked away for about a second but when I looked back I saw Connor standing behind me.

"You killed me" he said coming closer.

"How do you feel about killing someone innocent again?" he asks.

"You're not innocent" I hissed.
"Really?" he said.

"I wasn't myself. I was angry"

"Were you yourself when you snapped my neck with your bare hands" he says.

"You stabbed me"

"Cause you're a monster and you deserve to die with the rest of the supernatural species" he says.
"Admit it"

"No!" I said and ran downstairs.

"Damon.." I said but Connor was there again.

"Decomposition starts in the first 24 hours. I'm rotting in an unmarked grave because of you" he says coming towards me.

"No!" I said backing up and running out the door.

I stopped outside for about a second and saw Stefan and Klaus.

Klaus then speeds over to me taking me with him.

*Damon POV*

"You lost her?!" Bonnie says.

"Well, "lost" is a very strong word. We just technically don't know where she is" I said.

"I'm more worried about what Klaus said about this hunter's curse" Stefan said.

"How does Klaus even know about this?" Bonnie asks.

"How does Klaus know anything? The guy's like a billion years old" I said.

"He said it was a witch's curse" Stefan says.

"You know if I could do anything to help, I would, but I--" she says.

"But nothing. Wave your magic wand, hocus pocus, be gone, hunter, ghostess, whatever" I said.

"The spirits won't let me do the magic I need to break the curse" she says.

I sighed.

"But I can ask Shane for help. He knows everything about everything" she stated.

"Great. You two do your thing" Stefan says about to leave.

"Where you going?" I asked.

"I'm gonna get our little sister back" he said and left.

*Amelia POV*

Klaus was holding me by my arm dragging me with him inside his mansion.

He took me into this cellar room but it looked more like a room to me because it had a bed and a chair and everything you find in a room in it but no windows.

Amelia Salvatore(klaus Mikaelson love story)Where stories live. Discover now