Winter Days with Thomas

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Warning: sexual content

Stirring your hot cocoa and looking out the window at the fresh coat of snow falling onto the ground, you sigh happily knowing that you don't have work due to the weather. You're in your own little world until you feel familiar arms wrap around your body and lips kissing your cheek. "Good morning gorgeous" Thomas's husky morning voice whispers in your ear sending chills down your spine. You set down your mug and turn around in his arms kissing him sweetly. "Morning handsome. What should we do today?" He leans his forehead against yours and smiles, "anything as long as you're by my side." You blush and wiggle out of his arms to go over to the fridge. "We could make cookies and afterwards cuddle by the fireplace and watch movies." He kisses your nose lightly, "sounds wonderful baby." You give him a quick peck before turning your attention to the cookie ingredients in front of you. After a few minutes of measuring out the ingredients, he walks out of the kitchen and you shrug it off before starting to mix the ingredients together. "Hey babe, how do you like my apron?" You turn around and burst out in laughter when you see him wearing an apron with a woman in a bikini printed on the front of it. "You certainly caught my eye babe." He smiles, "perfect." You laugh and he walks over trying to act as feminine as possible while you add the last few ingredients and turn on the mixer. When the cookie dough is blended correctly, you grab your scoop and start placing the dough onto the cookie sheets and put them in the oven. While the first batch is baking, Thomas tries to innocently kiss your neck and hold you close. You giggle as you try to push him off lightly "Babe stop it we need to make sure the cookies don't burn." "Let them burn baby, you taste delicious anyways." You sigh and push him off a little more forcefully this time. "Thomas, you can wait a few minutes until the cookies are done." He sighs and sits down on the bar stool closest to you. "I know you're giving me the puppy dog eyes, but it won't work as long as I don't turn around." He grunts and you laugh as the timer goes off for you to take out the first batch. You lean over and take out the cookie sheets before placing the other batch in the oven. You hear fidgeting and slight groans from behind you and you smirk realising just how much he is bothered by you bending over and showing off your ass when he knows he can't grab it. You decide to tease him a little more so you look up in the cupboards for some extra chocolate chips and/or sprinkles to decorate the cookies. You were only wearing his shirt from the night before so when you reached up the shirt rose up exposing your ass. "Why are you doing this baby?" You turn around smirking at him innocently "doing what babe?" He mumbles something under his breath so you can't hear it and just then the timer goes off. You bend over again to get the cookies out but this time as soon as you set the sheets down on the counter you felt Thomas's hands grab your hips and turn you around. He leans in close and grunts, "You know how much I hate teasing." You run your finger over his lips smirking, "okay no more teasing. Let's go to the couch." Immediately he hooks his arms under your thighs and wisks you over to the couch before laying you down and climbing on top of you. His lips finally meet yours and you both moan with satisfaction. His hands travel up and down your body before he slides them under your ass grabbing it. You moan as you feel his excitement pressed against you. You slip off his shirt as he slips off yours and he starts kissing your neck. You slide his boxers down as you moan from him biting and sucking on your collarbone. "Babe..." "Yes love?" You squirm so you can reach down to stroke him. "You better fuck me hard if you're leaving a mark." He pulls back and smirks winking, "I always do baby." He kisses down your chest and caresses your breasts as he travels lower. Just before he gets to your wetness, he decides to kiss up and down your thighs teasing you. You grab onto his hair and pull his head up to look at you. "I swear Thomas, you better fuck me now." He quickly crawls up and positions himself. You grab his ass forcing him to thrust into you and you both sigh from relief. You move your hands up to his shoulder blades and you start scratching down his back as his thrusts hit the right spot. His moans in your ear drive your orgasm closer and closer. "Oh fuck...Thomas!" You cum and soon feel him cum too. He lays his body weight onto you as you both catch your breath. "Now that we've had our workout, can we eat cookies now?" He asks sheepishly. You giggle, "Only if you will cuddle me while we eat them and watch Christmas movies." He smiles and stands up kissing you sweetly. "You get Netflix working and I'll get the cookies." You smile and crawl over to the tv turning Netflix on and grab some blankets. Thomas comes back and you curl up next to him starting to eat the cookies. You start falling asleep halfway through the movie. Right before you fall into a deep sleep you hear Thomas whisper, "I can't wait for the day that I can call you Mrs. Augusto."

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