Chapter One

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Okay, I'm going to publish this eventually, but I wanted to see if it is popular. Hope u like!

"Nika Greenleaf?"
The voices were coming from somewhere near.
Nika looked up in a fright to see the whole class was staring at her. One girl, in particular, was smiling.
Dark red, curly hair grazed her shoulders which held her headphones and a black choker. Tiny pupils in her brown eyes looked at Nika through black rimmed glasses. Light purple lips grinned at her evilly. And just like that, she returned her focus to her drawing.
'Malibue Ocianne,' Nika thought. 'Kinda mean, super sarcastic, amazing artist, hates love (Like seriously, trust me!), only one friend.'
Her gaze drifted to a girl in the back row. She had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, which looked through blue faded glasses. 'Serpina Burri,' thought Nika. 'Also kinda mean, hates love (Not as much as Malibue, but she still does), the rest is unknown.'
"Nika! For the last time!" Came the voice from before.
Nika darted out of her seat, as her cheeks turned bright red. "Yes!" She hollered for no reason at all.
The voice's body stood in front of poor, embarrassed Nika. The lady standing in front of her was very tall. Long, black hair seemed to reach down to her ankles.Green eyes stared down at her disapprovingly. A tight, dark purple dress fit around her sleek and muscular (ish) body. Her arms were crossed. "Okay, now sit down, Nika. I will continue with the lesson," she turned to the class. "*Bonjour, mes nouveaux amies. Je m'appelle Madame Gallicta. Voici ma fille, Astride Gallicta. Dit bonjour, Astride."
*Translated from French: 'Hello, my new friends. My name is Mrs. Gallicta. Here is my daughter, Astride Gallicta. Say hello, Astride.'
Astride walked up to Mme Gallicta. "**Bonjour, tous le monde. Je suis Astride, et j'aime l'espace. Quand j'ai plus agée, je vais être un astronaut."
**Translated from French: 'Hi, everyone. I am Astride, and I love space. When I grow up, I want to be an astronaut.'
"OK, so I'm going to talk in English for this part. Please say your name, and whatever you want about yourself," Mme Gallicta asked, ushering Astride to the seat next to Nika.
The first boy started, "Bonj-"
Nika's hand flew up. "Um, oui, Nika?" Mme asked.
"Uh, can I uh go to the uh bathroom?"
Mme Gallicta looked down at her watch. "Hum, I suppose so, but next time, please ask me in French."
"Yes, ma'am. Er, I mean, oui, Mme."
Nika rushed out of the room, and skidded to a stop at the girl's fourth grade bathroom. She opened the door, and sat beside the sink. "I'll just hang out here for the next hour, I guess," she said to herself.

Around forty five minutes later, a girl walked in. She had black hair, with purple and blue highlights. Her violet eyes looked around, until she spotted Nika. "Oh! I found you!" She said, "My mother got worried, and sent me to check on you. I said, you would be fine, but she didn't think so." She paused. "Are you OK?"
"Yeah, I guess. Thanks, Astride."
"Your welcome!!!" Astride beamed.
Astride made funny faces and acted really weird for about ten minutes until they got tired and sat in silence.

About an hour later, the bell rang. "Hey," Astride said, getting up. "It's art class! I'm gonna paint a galaxy! What are you gonna paint?"
Nika thought about it for a bit. "Um, probably a forest with a path running through the middle?"
Astride smiled. "You like the Earth. Hey, Halloween's coming up, you should be an Earth Faerie. Or....... Ah! EARTH GIRL!!!"
"What's Earth Girl?" Nika laughed. She got up, and Astride explained Earth Girl as they headed back to art class.

Once they got there, Mme. Gallicta was explaining the next lesson. ".....pick your colours, and sit back down. Grab a partner, and you can work on the project. You can do whatever you want." She looked up, and spotted Nika and Astride in the doorway. "Girls! Nika! I'm glad your back! Come here, please. I'll explain."
"Er, Mum? I can help her. We can be partners." Astride said.
Mme Gallicta smiled. "Of course, dear. You know what to do."
The girls hurried to their desk groups. Two other kids sat with them, who were obviously partners. They were both boys and had blonde hair and blue highlights. They each had one huge canvas laid on their desks. They looked like they were gonna paint ice cream cones, but then they forgot the cone and painted in the ice cream.... I'm pretty sure your smart enough to figure out the rest... ;P
"HAHAHA! Look, Chuckles! Hahaha!" One boy laughed, pointing at the canvas.
Chuckles looked over and shrugged. "Well, Vixen, look at this one!" He pointed to his own canvas. Both boys gagged. "DUDE!" Vixen yelled.
Nika didn't even want to look.
Mme Gallicta walked up behind the boys while they were laughing. She stole a glance at each canvas. "Boys." They both nearly jumped through the roof.
"Chuckles, Vixen," she continued. "Vixen, I admire your ice cream painting, but you should finish it! Chuckles, this is unacceptable! You have lost your painting privileges. Come with me."
She led Chuckles out of their fourth grade class room towards the Principal's Office.
Astride smiled at Vixen. Her cheeks turned bright red. Nika rolled her eyes and continued painting her landscape.

The bell rang. Nika's head popped up. "What block is it?" She whispered to Astride. "Recess," she whispered back. Mme Gallicta had returned earlier, but poor Chuckles had not. "Okay, class! You are dismissed! Enjoy your recess!" Mme Gallicta called.
"Hey, Nika! Do you have your phone?" Astride asked walking out of the class.
"Uhhh, yeah. Why?"
"Here, give it!"
Astride typed something in Nika's phone. Her own phone buzzed after. "There! Now you can text me on Hanging-Outs!"
You: hey, now we can text!
Astride: yeah, me! After recess, bring ur phone into class! We can talk secretly!
You: why? R we aloud?
Astride: wellllllllll... no, but we won't get caught!
You: how do you know that? Ur mum blind?
Astride: ...
The girls headed outside.

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