Movie night

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~jimin's pov~
I'm about to leave when I hear yoongi speak
Yoongi was in there with her?
I try to walk back as quietly as possible to hear in there conversation
YG: awww kitten I can't ruin you in a sec

What is going on here? Are they secretly dating behind our backs but yoongi hates her Idk and I don't like it at all I definitely don't like him calling her kitten ugh even- I get snapped out of my thoughts when I hear y/n talk

(btw if it wasn't obvious jimin likes y/n)

Y/n: aww but you can try
YG: oh really kitten

Jm(mind):Ugh I want to vomit

Y/n: nope sorry daddy

Jm(mind): Ughahah I almost choked on my own spit when I heard her call him daddy

YG: aww come on kitten you brought yourself into this


Y/n: I did not
YG: your the one who gave me a boner

Jm(mind): I should leave but I want to hear the conversation

Y/n: really but it's your dick

Jm(mind): Ughhahuaha
YG: but it's also yours kitten

Jm(mind): Ok this is it I can't listen to this any longer I'm leaving
End of POV

Y/n: yoongi it's not mine if I haven't even gotten a taste of it
YG: you will soon
Y/n: shut up let's go and by let's go I mean you go out first and Then a few minutes after you leave I'll leave got it
YG: yeah I got it
Yoongi left
~Yoongi pov~
I left and went down stairs
I got to the living room
N: oh yoongi where were you I didn't even notice you left
YG: oh I was in the kitchen trying to find something to drink
N: I'm guessing you weren't successful
I look down to my hands
YG: oh yeah haha 😅
Jm: you sure you were in the kitchen cause I didn't see you
YG: you probably didn't see me cause you were to focused on seeing if your little girlfriend is ok
Jm: she's not my girlfriend
YG: oh you said it yourself she's not your girlfriend
Jm: wait how did you know I went up to check on her
YG: uh-
Y/n: did I miss anything?
Oh thanks babe I almost blew my cover
YG: no you didn't miss anything
I grab her hand and we go and sit down
End of POV

Movie night (min yoongi ff) 21+ smut Where stories live. Discover now