Rule #29

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4 Years Later

"Auntie Ari" Baby Kelice ran around my house from Yosohn my son. "Just keep running baby" I walked back out to the living room where all the adults were. "I still can't believe your fast ass got pregnant as soon as you left our house that day. Really spoke that into existence and broke Zillions little heart into a million damn pieces" Kash said.

"That was going nowhere honey he was engaged and with a baby. I needed my ending and I'm happy with mine it's not my fault if he isn't" I could care less about what Zillion had going on these days last thing I heard he was living single with his daughter. "He's still the same living that back and forth live with his baby moms but at least he knows now what true love is" I still had his number but it was of no use. He would randomly text me to check up on me and my son but I never answered "Let's hope you act civilized since he's coming over" Me and Kash broke our necks.

"You really trife this the second time you've done this shit" I was fine despite that I was back again single I was way more happier and had a better way of providing for my family. "Well you can be mad all you want but his daughter is just the cutest version of him. She's just precious ugh makes me want another but that won't ever be happening" Kam wanted more kids at Least his son but Kash was head over the idea of pregnancy.

"Don't even look this way let me live my life the way I intend it to be. I'm sure as long as bitter ass Kimberly stays home then I'm fine for life" Me and my baby daddy weren't together anymore but what's best for my son is all I wanted hence why I never reconciled with Zillion. "She's grown up I'm sure of it one can hope for since the last time didn't go well at well" I haven't seen these jokes in years and thats how I wanted it to be...out of sight and mind.

"I feel like y'all do to much like I'm not even that bad she was out of line. So was he for even telling for that girl my business...let's move in" The bell rang which meant the lovely guest of honor finally arrived. "AUNTIE KASH" A little girl cane zooming across the room to Kash. "Slow down road she's not going nowhere" And in walked the infamous couple that I tore down years ago.

"Oh hey Ari" He waved and followed Kam to the playroom. "So I think you two ladies have some discussing to do...if I'm right which I know I am." I shook my head not wanting to have this conversation. "I need a drink or some meth to even have this conversation" I grabbed my phone distracting myself to have even look at this girl.

"We gone for three minutes and Ari always looked mad...Can we not get the drama queen started it's been years since anybody has" Kam thought he had a joke. "I'm cool I'm just not wanting to talk to people I don't have to. We can push past because I certainly have so why y'all wanna talk...I can promise your not gonna like where this goes."

"Be grown up for once Ari it's been almost five hours and you still act the damn same. I'm sure you understand why your single right now." I closed my eyes and counted to ten. "Let's not do this Zillion please Kimberly was just gonna apologize for the comments she made about her past child" Kash stepped in. "It's fine last time I did the most but now I'll just excuse myself. Oh and don't hype yourself up to much Zillion because just last month you were in your damn feelings that I wasn't the mother of your child." I went to the bathroom for a few to cool off.

Zillion was toxic and it really took me so long to realize how he made me react and what he did "You two were really never meant to be in the same room together huh" Kam looked at me and Zillion. "It's for the best trust because I changed but not that much" I would of left completely but I know my son loved playing with Kelice.

"Anyways, hows the status between you the last heard y'all were on the outs." Kash referred you Zillion and Kimberly and I stood back and sipped on my wine. "We're doing what's best for our daughter but it's clear Zillion doesn't even know what he wants. I'm tired and can't do much if it's only me trying" I silently laughed because I seen this coming.

That's why I left because I wasn't about to be up in a never ending relationship with no outcome besides a baby. "I've tried but you can't get over anything and that's tiring in itself. Me and Ari have been over for years and it's gonna stay that way, I just want my baby girl to be happy."

"That's sweet but get your life together because this isn't cute. Lucky I'm to high class to block you from everything but your like helps my cash flow in." I flashed a pearly smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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