chapter 1 (Abused)

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Abuse. That's what most of the teen wolfs deal with. If there slacking, then they are beat usually half to death. me your wondering? I'm Allia, the omega. Or you could just say the runt of the pack. I'm pretty sure the only person that actually cares about me is my best friend Luna. She is the only one who knows my plan on running away, of course she doesn't approve. "How will you survive on your own" she asks me while I pout looking at Ana flirting with the males. "I'll buy a hotel." She stays silent. "What about me?" She asks stuttering a bit,  "ill come back for you," as she walks away she gets a call from her mother, when she picks up the phone you can see the sadness on her face when she hangs up. "I have to go home." she says pouting. when she hugs me I hold her tight,  my mom storms in shortly after she leaves. "YOU DIDN'T SHOW UP FOR TRAINING?!?!?!?" she smacks me. I'm sorry, I stutter. I quickly go upstairs, grab my bag and jump out my window, running off I hear my mom howl, I know she is trying to call me back , I didn't want to go back so I continued running, and then I hear the alphas howl.

I'v been running for hours, I don't think they are chasing after me anymore so I stop running and shift back, naked, I put clothes on and sit on a rock. That's when I smell it, when i smell...him. I look over to see a albino wolf with two different colored eyes. We make eye contact and that's when I feel butterfly's swarming inside me. Mate, i think to myself, I didn't want to see his face so I turned around and started to run as fast as I could, I look behind and hes following me. That's when a giant black wolf jumps out at me and growls. I knew that was my old alpha that I ran away from "Alpha Shadow," I stutter. He looks as if he is going to eat me. The albino wolf jumps in front of me giving Shadow a terrifying growl, The albino is very intimidating too shadow They start fighting rolling over each other. I take that as my chance to run, So I quickly call a lift and run to where the lift is going to pick me up. The lift gets there when I do. I jump in and leave hoping not to see any of them again.

I fall asleep in the back seat of the lift, the driver wakes me up telling me i made it to my stop. I'm at a very large hotel named "The blue hotel", I walk inside and go up to the front desk and request a room. "Sure thing", she says. "That would be $155" I gasp looking into my wallet noticing how I only have $30. I sigh "looks like I'm on the streets tonight". A man walks up behind me and grabs me by the arm and drags me to his room "What the hell!" I say, that's when I smell him. "your him" I stutter. "Your the albino", "Indeed i am". He takes pillows off the bed and puts it on the couch "did you follow me?" i say curiously, he doesn't answer my question instead he says, "I'll sleep here and give you the bed, we will go home in the morning." he says with no emotion on his face. "Excuse me, you expect me to just go home with you?" I say angrily. "Well we are mates, pretty sure that's how it works." At that moment i realized he was right when i first met him i was so caught up with trying to get away i didn't even notice the fact that he was my mate. I remembered that i needed somewhere to stay for the night so I laid down and I didn't say another word for the rest of the night.

I woke up in the morning frightened because I didn't know where I was, then that's when I remembered my whole night. I looked over too see a man with a perfect jaw line, white hair, pale skin and two different eye colors. "He's gorgeous, and sleeps so peacefully", I thought to myself. I quietly grabbed my stuff and walked out so I could get away. When  I got to the streets I started walking to a forest that was about two miles away. I suddenly realized a man was following me so I turned around to confront him. He grabbed me by the neck and pushed me into his car and drove me into the forest, tied me up and left me there. I waited for him to come back but he didn't for two whole days. I started to starve when my mate I met just three days ago came out from the tree in front of me. He bit the rope to untie me, I couldn't get up and he knew I was to weak to get on his back to get back too the hotel.  He laid behind me like he was a pillow, Then I saw nothing but black.

I wake up in a huge empty room with boxes in it, I take a look around and I tried to remember what happened. "You feeling better?" I don't recall hearing this voice before but I answer anyway, "yes, where am I."  I say curiously, "your in Alex's room", he answers. I noticed how there was a random voice but no person, "where are you?" I say curious again. "I'm in your head" he says. "who are you", yet another question I ask. "My name is Justin" he says. "why am I- " he interrupts. "stop with the questions, Alex said he would like you too come down stairs when you wake up". I don't answer, instead I just get up and walk down stairs. "good morning ma'am" a maid walks by me, "good morning" I stutter. When I reach the end of the stairs I see my mate sleeping on the couch, "why is he sleeping on the couch", I ask because he looks so uncomfortable. "you were in his bed."

                        If you made it to the end of this chapter and you are going to read more, then you are legit my new favorite person.



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