"hanz? i think his name was hanz. he was german," harry chuckles, pushing his plate away from him, completely full. "are you both done?," he asks, noticing how anne has moved onto just sipping her tea, and how louis is just nibbling on his lettuce.

both nod, looking at their empty plates, and harry flags the waitress with purple hair, perrie, and she bustles over to them quickly, notebook in hand. "can i help you? refills?," she asks, and harry shakes his head, pulling his wallet out of his pants, "ready for your bill?," she decides with a smile, and harry nods, "okay, sir, i'll be right back with it," she nods, rushing off to the counter as harry puts the wallet on the table.

"what are we going to do after this?," harry asks, running his thumb over the back of louis' hand, looking at his mum.

"well...," anne chuckles, "i don't know about you two, but i just got off a sixteen hour flight. i think i'm going to go to my hotel and i'm going to sleep until i can't sleep anymore. i'll see you for supper?," she asks, pulling her phone out to contact a taxi.

"sure... why don't i make it? we can come to my place, it hasn't been used in several days," harry suggests, and louis perks up at that. he loves going to harry's house, it's cute and very country-esque. very harry.

"sounds good for me. louis will be there, i'm assuming?," she smiles, and harry nods, settling his arm over louis' shoulders, making the tinier man blush. "alright. i'll pay you back for the meal once i've exchanged my money for pounds," she offers, and harry scowls at her.

"don't be ridiculous," he huffs a laugh, and anne rolls her eyes at him, typing in her location for the online taxi service. "what time will the taxi be here? i could just drive you," he offers, but anne waves him off.

"this says it'll be here in about ten minutes. why don't you show me around the mall while we wait?," she asks as perrie brings the bill.

"does calum still live with you?," anne ask as they pass a store called column's, and she remembers the asian looking kid that harry roomed with.

"uh, no... he moved out a while ago. our friends michael and niall were having financial problems a d wouldn't accept our help since we didn't live with them, so calum decided to move in with them," he chuckles, remembering how wild that time in their life was, "niall actually works here. at glover's. he's going into medicine"

anne makes a quiet noise of contemplation, noticing the glover's pharmacy sign. "well lead the way, i don't think i've met niall yet," she smiles, looking around the mall excitedly. louis wonders how much the woman misses england.

"let's make sure he's not too busy before we start harassing him on the job," harry chuckles, pulling louis by the hand as they cross the mall to the corner pharmacy that is tucked between a sports store and a chocolate store. this little square of the mall must be niall's heaven.

"i think he said he gets off around six," louis says, and they can immediately see the blonde boy through the window of the pharmacy, talking to a very tall and scruffy looking brunette boy.

even though harry said they wouldn't bother the boy if he was busy, he leads louis and his mum through the door anyways. " ─ like your doctor said, these will only work if you take it easy," niall is saying to the man, who nods, sighing quietly. "i'm no doctor, mr. payne, but i'm just saying... taking fewer hours at the factory might help you. as well as not volunteering as much. firefighting can take a toll on muscles if not cared for carefully," he recommends, looking over the man's shoulder, catching glance of the little gang.

"airplanes aren't going to build themselves, mr. horan," jokes the tall bloke, and niall rolls his eyes, handing him a bag that rattles from the pills inside. "thanks, mate," he chuckles, and niall nods with a crooked smile, but he squeaks in warning as the man suddenly turns around to leave and slams right into louis, barely catching himself before they both fall over. "sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry─," he repeats in a mantra, setting louis right side up, blinking several times in embarrassment as harry pulls him to his chest. "i am so sorry," he breathes, his cheeks turning red.

the man turns to scowl at niall as the irish man starts to laugh extremely loud, bringing attention to them. "good god, thanks. i needed a laugh," he snorts, his eyes nearly shut with how big he's smiling.

"glad i'm of amusement...," the boy blushes harder, turning to look at harry and louis sheepishly, "sorry again..."

"louis and harry," niall introduces, "this is my mate and client liam payne. liam payne, this is my mates harry styles and louis tomlinson. but i don't know who this beautiful young teenager is," he says, referring to anne, who rolls her eyes at him with a little, humorous smirk.

"horan," harry says, "this is my mum"

that makes niall blush and clam up, and liam, louis, and anne start to laugh at his blunder, while harry scowls at the poor boy. "grow up...," he huffs with an embarrassed laugh.

"me?," liam chokes on a laugh, thoroughly enjoying this show of karma, "act my age?"

"please. no control. we're in a place of business," he points out, looking around to make sure his boss isn't around, and everyone quiets down, looking guilty. "at least i get out of here in about thirty minutes...," he sighs, and harry gets an idea.

"why don't you come over to mine tonight, too? i'm cooking dinner for my mum's first night here," he offers, and niall looks over at liam.

"i think we were going to go out for pizza later," he says.

"you two could both come over? i'll make some green-beans," he bribes niall's favorite food, and the boy looks over at liam, who shrugs in agreement.

"sounds good. don't forget the beans, styles," niall threatens as anne's phone chimes, signaling that the cabbie is nearly there.

"alright, horan, be there or be square," he waves, leading louis and anne out, only to be stopped right as they get out of the door by louis getting slammed into by yet another person. only this one doesn't apologize profusely like liam. when louis looks up, his throat dries. it's the woman from forever 21.

"ew," shudders the girl, under her breath, noticing who she slammed into, and louis deflates, tears welling in his eyes automatically.

"hey," harry bites, pulling louis closer to him, hiding him in his shoulder, "please don't be rude," he says, trying his best to not snap at her again. not that it matters, because the girl just rolls her eyes anyway.

harry is about to just walk away, be the bigger person, when his mum steps forward, right into the cashier girl's face, the epitome of anger. "listen here, love. unlike you, he has a raising. do not disrespect him, and do not respect his boyfriend. just because you don't understand them, does not mean you should judge and belittle them. have some respect and take your knock-off coach covered foot out of your mouth," she snaps, not raising or quavering her voice once, leading a surprised harry and louis away from an even more stunned girl.

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