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part thirteen

"harry, harry, harry, harry," louis babbles aimlessly, and harry ignores him - he's been doing this for several minutes. "harry, harry, harry, harry," he sing songs, swaying his head from side to side to the beat of the timer clicking down the seconds to the pizza being done.

harry's face finally cracks into a grin, and louis squeals. "louis, louis, louis, louis, louis!," harry counters, making louis squirm as he tickles at his side - which aren't protected by the thick, floral, lacy apron. "louis, louis, louis - "

"harry, harry, harry - ," louis interrupts through a fit of laughter, and harry tugs at his left ear lobe, noticing that his ears are pierced. "ow! you pulled my earring!," louis gasps, reaching for his ear quickly.

"sorry!," harry's eyes widen, reaching for louis, only to withdraw as the smaller boy bursts out in laughter. "you little..."

"cutie?," louis inserts hopefully, which causes harry to scowl. "what?," louis squawks, "i'm cute! i'm cute," he huffs, crossing his arms over the fabric of the laced apron - the one identical to the one tied around harry's waist.

harry squints his eyes at him and steps closer, between louis' legs, and his hair tickles louis' forehead. after a few seconds, louis blinks several times, his eyes dazed, and his eyebrows furrow as harry's face breaks into a grin. "you're cute," he agrees peppily, and louis pouts at him. "you're - "

"oh, jesus!," a voice shouts in surprise, and harry flinches away from the counter and louis, like a deer in headlights, looking at jesy startled. "jesus christ, not on the table!," she shrieks, covering her eyes dramatically, waving her free hand around wildly.

louis blushes profusely and grabs at the neck tie of harry's apron, trying to pull him back towards him. "oi, nelson, grow up. we weren't doing anything!," he scoffs, and jesy slowly lowers her arms and dramatically peeks an eye open. "it's safe to look," louis huffs, in annoyance, hopping off the table so jesy can put her bags there. "you went to hollister?," he asks in disgust, and jesy rolls her eyes at him.

"yeah, yeah, yeah. i know you don't like shopping there because of the... incident... but i still like their clothes. leigh is bringing the rest up. i payed for lunch, so she has to carry," jesy smirks, grabbing an apple from their fruit bowl.

harry furrows his eyebrows and looks between louis and jesy a few times, and neither seem to notice him. he huffs and rolls his eyes to get their attention, "what is the incident?," he asks, and louis looks at him for a second and then looks at his lap, picking at his fingernail polish. "lou?," he murmurs quietly, and louis twists his bottom lip a little.

he sighs faintly in the back of his throat and purses his lips. "about six or seven months ago, we were shopping for jesy's birthday... we were going from store to store, buying whatever she wanted. it's a tradition. and a cashier came up and started flirting with us; me, jesy, leigh, and cher. but he settled on trying to pull me. he tried to do this smooth thing where he laughed and pushed my chest... but then he realized that i don't have boobs... god, he caused such a scene. he knocked clothes off hangers, perfume bottles were spilling, it was like a toxic wasteland. i've sworn off hollister since that day," louis chuckles as harry booms laughter, clutching his stomach.

"i remember that! it took them weeks to clear the smell out! and it was on one of those video shows on tv! i had no idea that that was you!," he chokes, laughing louder; the incident had made it onto the internet, but it didn't get very big, just on a lame 30 minute tv show on mtv.

louis chuckles and nods his head, shrugging a little. he's trying to think of something to say when the door to the living room slams open and then slams shut again, indicating that leigh-anne has made it up. "do i smell pizza?," she asks hopefully, causing jesy to scowl at her.

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