Just as the bot let the weapon off at Tony, Peter jumped in front, taking the hit in his chest. Peter was flung backwards and hitting a wall with a harsh crack. Blood was already dripping from his chest at an alarming rate. 

When the blast was sent, Tony had just killed his bot. 

He turned, in alarm at hearing a weapon being shot and something hitting the wall. What he saw made his heart crawl up in his throat, and his world slowly stop spinning. 

Peter was lying against the wall, crumpled and unconscious with blood falling from his multiple wounds, the main one being from the wound on his chest. 

Anger boiled in Tony's veins as he turned to see the bot. He powered his suit us high as it could and shot it right in the head. In an instant it feel to the floor. Dead. 

Tony gets out of the suit and runs to his son, who is still laying motionless on the floor. 

"Peter." Tony chokes out, as a sob rises in his throat. 

He slowly turn Peter to lay on his back. He carefully pulls the mask from his sons head and feels his heart break as he sees a cut running along his forehead, and his eyes closed. 

He puts his hand over his chest, trying in vain to stop the onslaught of blood that is now streaming from the young boy. 

Tony runs his other hand through Peter's curls, wanting nothing more than for Peter to look up at him and complain that he is ruining his hair. But he doesn't. Instead he lays there, slowly bleeding out and becoming lifeless. 

"Please hold on Petey. Heaven can't have you yet bud." Tony cries, knowing he needs to get Peter help now, before it's too late. 

Kissing his son's head he takes in a shaky breath as he lets his suit reform around him. 

Keeping one hand secure over his chest wound Tony lifts him up and flies toward the one person he knows coul- no can save his son. He has to save his son. 


As soon as Tony arrived with his dying son in his arms. He was taken. 

Tony didn't know if he would ever see his son happy and smiling ever again. He didn't know if Peter had just been taken from him, now. Or if he has been taken from the earth.

Tony wanted desperately to shout and scream at his son for being so reckless. Because he promised he would be safe. But instead he is on a surgery table, fighting for every breath that should be a given at the young age he is. 

He wants to go back in time, and change everything. Make sure Peter would stay home and stay safe. 

But Tony knew.   

He knew that if Peter didn't do what he did. He would be dead. 

But Tony hates that it was his goddamn son that did it. Hates the fact that his 15 year old child, threw himself in front of a blast to save his father. 

It should of been the other way around. It should always be the other way around. 


Only 30  minutes pass, but to the father who is lost thinking his son has been taken from him. It feels like an eternity. 

Bruce comes out of the theatre, but instead of the normal relieved face that is seen after a surgery. Tony is met with a Bruce who is hesitant and sad. 

Before Tony can even get a word in, Bruce starts. 

"Tony i'm sorry. We couldn't operate. His vitals were to unstable and fluctuating too much. We lost him twice, but he fought. We were able to stitch him up, but we couldn't operate to remove a bullet from his arm. As soon as he is stable enough we will have to get it out. And you can't see him, not until we operate. His bullet wound on his arm could easily get infected with the bullet and anything could help it. We were able to stitch his chest up, but it will take time. Even with his healing it will be a long and painful process. I'm really sorry Tony." He explains, before leaving the father to stare in shock. 


Two days pass. 

Tony doesn't move. Doesn't eat or sleep. All he does is stare off into the distance and drink coffee.

Finally Bruce reappears, but this time, he looks happier. 

"Hey Tony. You can go see him now. We operated late last night. Luckily his healing didn't try to fix his arm, but it did with everything else. It was very touch and go at times. But he should pull through." Bruce says, receiving a thank you from the father before leaving.


The word that can change anything.


Tony walks into the room and sees his son laying there, bandages all around him, an oxygen mask placed over his face. Making him look even younger and hurt. 

Tony sits onto the chair and grabs his kids limp hand, bringing it to his lips as he murmurs, "I love you kiddo. Please keep fighting for your old man."

Tony can feel the past few days of no sleep catch up on him as he lays his head on the mattress beside his son and falls into a sleep. 

(Peter's P.O.V)

I hear talking and a pressure on my hand. But then it falls quiet. 

I fight with my consciousness and slowly crack my eyes open. 

I am met with a white ceiling, but thankfully it is still dark in my room. I can feel an oxygen mask on my face and someone holding my hand. 

Turning my head slowly i see my dad laying there. I smile when i see him, and know that i am safe from all the evil. 

I know some point later i will get an earful for getting hurt. But for now i know he is here and safe, and so am i. 

Everything is okay. 




5 times Peter Nearly Died. 1 Time He Did.Where stories live. Discover now