I stand up, pressing the reactor and letting my suit wrap around me. 

"FRI. Tell me where my son is. Now" I say, trying to keep my emotions in check, but already starting to fail. 

'Right away boss' She replies swiftly.


My suit hit the ground with impact, cracks breaking all around me, but i don't care. What i care about is my son may be dead. 

The suit quickly retracts revealing my oil stained top. 

"Peter" I cry, allowing the emotions to flood forward. 

I run toward the group of people in front of me pushing through them to get to my child. People gasp when they see me, whispers of Peter being my son spreading quick, but yet again i don't care. 

I see him lying on the floor, blood pooling all around him. My heart shatters. 

I know Bruce is on the way in the ambulance, having been called as soon as i left, also knowing Peter can't go to a regular hospital. 

I drop next to him, tears falling as i card my hand through his bloody hair. 

A sad smile crosses my lips as i whisper brokenly "Always have to be the hero ay bud. I'm proud baby, you saved a little boy". 

The words i said didn't just break my heart, as soon as i said it, more people around me started to sob. I couldn't help but join them. 


Soon Bruce arrived, stretcher in hand and a medical bag. He smiles sadly at me when he sees me. 

"He'll be okay Tony, he always is" Bruce says, trying to reassure me. 

I just nod, not wanting to argue and hoping with all hope that he is right. 

He starts to check on Peter, he opens his eyes and shines a little light in them. He looks up to me with a sad expression. 

"He has a bad concussion Tony. We just have to hope he can fight through it. His ribs are broken badly, along with his hand. We need to get moving before his lungs collapse" Bruce says looking back down at Peter. 

I take a deep breath, trying to contain the tears. 

As Bruce and i place Peter lightly on the stretcher we start walking to the ambulance. Just as i start to walk beside me son someone lightly grabs my arm. Turning around i see a women with the boy who Peter saved. The mother. 

Tears are streaming down her face as she says "Thank you, your son saved mine. I will be forever grateful. I will pray for him".

I smile at her, no anger in my eyes at her. I nod and thank her quietly before rushing off to join Peter again. 


I didn't leave Peter's side the whole time. Even when Bruce started to stitch him up, anything and everything. I was there. 

"Tony, I need you to leave just for a little while i give him an MRI, i need to check how his head is doing" Bruce says, looking at me with a sorry smile. 

Reluctantly i let go of his hand, not before whispering that i'll be back. 


Walking back in, once Bruce brought Peter back, i could tell something was wrong. Bruce's face was tight with emotion, like he was trying to bottle it up. 

Before i ask him what's wrong i walk to Peter and take his hand again in mine. 

"What's wrong" I ask, almost silent, yet it sounds like a shout in the quiet room. 

Bruces coughs, quickly wiping at his face before he turns around to look at me. "His concussion is bad Tony. I can't give you the amount of damage that's been done. Or when he'll wake up" He says, his voice distant. 

Tears spring to my eyes as i bring Peter's limp hand to my lips. 

"You'll be okay bud. You're a fighter, i know you are bambi" I whisper to him, hoping he can hear me and fight. 


I don't know how much time passes, i don't want to know. I won't leave his side, thinking maybe if i leave he'll wake up and be alone and scared. And i don't want that. 

"Come on Pete. Wake up for me so we can go mess about in the lab yeah. I promised you didn't i, you know i don't break my promises" I say, just wanting him to open his eyes for me. 


"The little boy you saved wants to meet you, so does his mum. They along with everyone, including me are so proud of you for saving him. Sometimes i wish you didn't because then i would have you up and rambling. But i also know, that if you didn't help, that little boy would be dead. Just come back Bambi, please" I plead out, just wanting to see his bambi eyes again. 


It's been a week, a long, long week. Time seems to slow down immensely when you want something to happen. 

I still haven't lost hope, even if the public have. They don't know who he really is; how strong and resilient he actually is. 


I feel someone lightly squeeze my hand. I open my eyes, confused at what's happening. Looking around the room my eyes land on my normally motionless son. 

His eyes hold joy, as he looks at me with a cheeky smile. 

"Petey" I say shocked, not believing that he is awake, and okay. 

"Yeah dad, I'm okay" He replies, his voice shockingly holding strength. 

He obviously sees my confusion as he says "I've been awake for a while, just didn't wanna wake you". 

I can't help but laugh and say "I missed you bud."

He yawns shutting his eyes as he says "I missed you too. And don't think i haven't forgotten about us going into the lab to work on the suits". 

I chuckle and stand, kissing his forehead. "I could never forget. Now get some sleep", i say softly. 


The mother walks in with the little boy holding her hand in a tight grasp. I smile at her from the chair placed beside Peter's bed. 

He looks up tiredly and sees the two, i laugh as i see him wave his still casted hand. I see the mum start to cry as she thanks him over and over. I smile when i see Peter wave her off and then hugging the little boy. 




A/N- Well...

- M xx

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