Knocking on heavens door

Start from the beginning

Running my hand through his hair i say "FRI, is Bruce at the tower". 

My heartbeat quickens as i wait for the response, just keeping my eyes on Peter, watching as his chest rises and falls in an unnatural manner. 

'Yes boss. He has been alerted', She replies. 

That's all it takes for me to lift him into my arms, whispering little things to him to try and calm him, even if he can't hear me. 

The suit wraps around me, my arms tightening around him. I push his head a little closer and settle it carefully into the crook of my neck. With my hand i put pressure onto his wound, trying desperately to stop the blood that is rapidly falling. 


Flying back to the tower, it felt as though time was getting slower and slower. No matter how hard i pushed the thrusters we seemed to just slow down. 

Finally i could see the tower in sight, i let out the smallest bit of relief, because at least now he will be able to get help. 

Stepping out of the suit i look down at my son and nearly burst into tears. His head is still tucked against my neck, only just able to feel the sliver of air leaving his lungs. Blood coats my hand and chest from his stab wound, his chest only just rising and falling. 

"Bruce" I say, my voice cracking and raw with emotions. 

He appears in front of me, gulping when he sees what state Peter is in. Without saying a word he gestures for me to follow. 

We swiftly walk into the med bay and i'm instructed to place Peter in the bed. 

"You'll be alright bubba, okay you'll be okay" I reassure him and myself, a nagging in my head bringing up all the what ifs. 

Bruce comes back, a seemingly panicked look on his normally calm face. His exterior panics me as he starts hooking Peter up to all the machines. 


I thought things were getting better, Bruce patched him up. Stopped the bleeding and stitched him up. But everything has gotten worse. His breathing is even more labored, even with the mask over his face, barely any air is getting to his normally oxygen stealing lungs. 

"Bruce. Something is wrong" I say slowly. 

Peter's hand is cold against mine, usually it heats up if i hold his hand. His face is more pale and he looks like he is closer to death than he should be.

Bruce looks over from what he is doing and he seems to catch onto what i mean. He nods and stands walking over. He starts to check Peter's vitals and heart beat, with every check his face grows paler. 

"Something is definitely wrong" He mumbles his himself. 

He looks up from his clipboard and says "FRIDAY, scan him".

A few tense seconds pass before FRIDAY says something none of us wanted to hear 'It appears Peter has been poisoned. The poison is called Botulinum toxin, i suggest immediate action to remove this from his blood stream. I am afraid it will most likely kill him, i calculate there is 10 percent chance of survival, which is slowly decreasing.'

My hand on Peter's tightens and Bruce quickly comes over, taking some blood. He looks to me and nods, before running out to find the antidote. 


Not even 5 minutes pass before things start getting even worse. 

One second the machine was beeping, showing Peter's heart fighting the toxin. The next thing i know there is one long beep. 

My eyes widen, tears falling down my face as i jump up. 

"No, please. BRUCE" I shout desperately, not knowing what to do. 

Bruce comes barreling in, something in his hand. Nurses come flooding in as well, trying to help my child. 

Someone pulls me from the room, i not having enough strength to fight back allow them too. 

I collapse against the wall, listening as i hear the shouts of people. And the never ending long beep. The beep the rips my heart in two, my world falling apart at the seams. The light of my life, that could make me smile even when i didn't think anything could, floating away with the beep. 

Just as my heart was about to crumble and give out, i hear a beep, then another, and another. 

I stand up quickly, looking into the room i see everyone's faces holding relief and hope. I see Bruce inject Peter with something, his heart rate already starting to pick up and hold a steadier rhythm. 

He looks to me, a small smile on his face as he nods, signalling for me to come in. Without a second thought i walk in and pick Peter's hand up. 

Everyone leaves, Bruce saying to call me if i need too. 

"Hey Petey Pie" I say softly, thankful to hear the constant beep of the machine. 

"Hey dad" I hear, my head whips to him, a smile breaking across my face as i hug him tightly (but not hurting him obviously). 

He hugs me back. A few tears escaping my eyes as i say "Please never do that to me again". 

I feel him nod against my chest as he says "I won't dad. Love you". 

I smile and kiss his head "I love you too kiddo". 




A/N- All these aren't related btw 

- M xx

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