White: Christmas Special

Start from the beginning

His eyes were a stunning blue. They were vibrant, so very vibrant against the monochrome palette of the laundromat. His clothing were brightly colored with rich dyes and he had colorful tattoos that went all the way up to his elbows.

He wasn't wearing a coat.

You wondered why.

You didn't expect his appearance when you heard him sing. His voice was soft and sweet and a bit unsettling, but his appearance was loud and threatening, yet it made you feel safer knowing that it would be way easier to identify someone with some many things happening on their person.

His eyes dropped down a little and he had dark circles. He had a sad look on his face, but even with his tired dead look, he still looked quite beautiful in his own way. His skin was abnormally pale like he had never gotten a lick of sunlight in his whole life and his hair...

His hair was stark white. It was messy like he had just gotten out of bed and the white lights the constantly flickered made him glow.

He was unique and one of a kind. You didn't think there was anyone like him in your small town, but there he was.

You got this horrible feeling from him though, despite his beauty. He wasn't too muscular, quite thin actually and even though he was tall, he held himself in a way that made him seem more approachable. He looked like a normal guy and yet you felt threatened by him.

And it was all because of that smile he had. It was soft, and not psychotic in the least, you know... like how murderers do. it was just a normal smile, but it felt like it didn't belong there...like it was painted onto his face.

"Can I help you?"

You quickly got back to looking at your phone. Your heart was beating uncontrollably. How long were you staring at him? Great, not only were you stuck in a room with a strange man, but now you embarrassed yourself in front of him. Good job.

"The storm won't let up soon. Might as well get aquatinted yeah?" The man said, taking a few steps closer to you.

You glanced at him again, noticing that his cold and harsh stare did not leave you. You shivered and turned to look at him better causing his to smile even more as he had a better view of your face.

"Hi, my name is Winter." The man said, extending his hand out to you.

You tried your best to smile, but it was hard. Despite his expression, looking at him made you feel guilty. You almost felt bad for trying to ignore him... almost.

"I'm... I'm (y/n)." You said, brushing some hair from your face. You looked up at him with an expression that could only be described as innocent. No matter how impure you thought you were, your naivety and ignorance to what was going on around you made you innocent. Winter could see it; everyone could.

You shook his hand. His palm was cold like ice.

"hmmm (y/n)?" Winter tilted his head. "I've heard a lot about you. Everyone in town always seemed to worry about you...so tell me, are you okay?"

You were taken back by the question and your urge to answer honestly was really getting to you. You wished to have someone to talk to, but you didn't really know Winter like that. Still, you have been living in your grandma's house for quite sometime. You had no one to vent to, no one to be informal with.

You were tired of being alone. Still, you wouldn't tell him your life story.

"I'm... good." You murmured. You sat up straighter. "Yeah, I'm good." You tried to say it more confidently, but it still came out soft and unsure.

Favorite Color (various! Yandere x reader) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now