White: Christmas Special

Start from the beginning

you celebrated way too soon.

Whoever was watching over you favored putting you in bad situations. They liked crushing your happiness under their righteous boot. It seemed that as soon as you had put your first load in the washing machine, the snow outside began to rain down heavily, covering everything and then burying it.

After a few minutes in and you were sure it was a snowstorm. You could barely see your car from the windows of the laundromat as the snow seemed to fall like an opaque curtain rather than individual clumps of snowflakes. Your blocked view of the outside world and the fact that there didn't seem to be anyone in the building with you made you feel even more isolated and alone.

The building was completely void of life. You swore you saw at least two other cars outside. They were covered in snow though so you assumed that they had been there for at least a couple of hours. That made you feel more on edge because the folks that owned the cars were nowhere in sight.

The lights flickering every now and then, you could hear the wind howling, and your fear of the door being blown open didn't seem like an exaggeration in the slightest.

Festive music played and it was just loud enough that you could process the words but not the melodies. The audio was bad, like it was playing from an old car radio. The cheerful music did not comfort your mood and coincidentally, Let it Snow was playing. Luckily, the song was about to end, but you still took it as a bad omen.

Things just seemed to be playing out like it was meant to be.

You heard the little jingle of the bells that hung above the door. A cold breeze swept through and you just sat still on top of a washer, pulling out your phone as a distraction and as a warning. A warning that let whoever was with you know that you could call the cops with just a swipe of a finger.

You didn't even attempt to peek at the stranger. You learned that making eye contact with people could lead to some horrible situations like murder for example. If this person was here to rob you, at least they wouldn't actually have to kill you because you didn't see their face. That's what you liked to think anyway. You didn't really know how to world worked anymore.

"Here comes Santa Claus, " The door shut loudly. You were glad the glass door didn't shatter. Snowstorms were common in the area though so... you supposed the glass was made to survive the worst. You heard a click.

Was it a gun, was it the door locking, did they have a switch blade? What was that noise or were you overthinking things again?

"Here comes Santa Claus," whoever was singing let out a soft laugh. "Right down Santa Claus lane." His voice was smooth and soft, quite the opposite of how one would imagine a criminal's voice. Maybe he wasn't there to kill you.

He hummed the rest of the song as he began to place his laundry in one of the machines not too far from you. It was just right out of your view and you would have to move your head to see the mystery man rather than just move your eyes like you preferred.

You could hear the sound of a coin going into a slot, and then the sound of a washing machine starting. It was a loud beep that cut through the awkward quietness in the room. The air felt unstable, like a single word could disrupt what little peace you had.

With his constant humming and the tapping of his foot, you looked up at him. You were just going for a side glance. You hoped he wouldn't be able to see you peek as your hair was covering your face and your thick beige hat did a good job of hiding your face too, but he noticed you as soon as he had entered the building.

You feared he had been staring the whole time as you saw that you had made eye contact with him immediately. That was a crazy and exaggerated thought though... no one actually does that right?

Favorite Color (various! Yandere x reader) oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now