My Life is Getting Better and Worse

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Copyright Toffee08

Chapter two

I got off the bus and started to head home from school. I turned the corner. I walked up the driveway. I entered the house. A hand quickly grabbed me by the throte. The hand threw me against the wall. The hand belonged to dad.

"THE PROMOTION WAS GIVEN TO NOELLE JOCKINSON!" dad yelled. He punched me in the gut then in the nose. I felt my blood trickle down my face. He then picked me up by my hair and swung me against the wall. He kicked me several times in the back.

"AHH!" he yelled before leaving. He will be at the bar for longer than usual so I went down to the basement to check on Liz and Jen.

"Jenny! Lizzy! It's me! Ryleigh! You can come out now!" I whispered. Lizzy came running up to me.

"Ryleigh! I heard a bang!" she said.

"Don't worry. That was dad throwing me against the wall. It hurt but I'm fine now," I said while wincing from Liz's hugs.

"Let's clean you up! You look terrible!" said Jen.

They took me upstairs and to the bathroom.

"No! I don't want you girls to get caught!" I whisper.

"We won't! Dad is gone now," said Liz. They wiped my blood nose and bleeding lip. There was a cut on my hairline and arm. I realised that I had a tear in my dress. That's the only school dress I have. Oh well. Jen cleaned my cuts so gently it felt like mum was doing it. Tears sprang to my eyes.

"Does it hurt?" Jen asked.

"No. It feels nice," I said.

I heard a twig snap outside. I got up quickly. I rushed the girls back down to the basement and ran outside. It was just a squirrel.

I walked inside and walked to the basement door. It was a little trap door in Liz's room. I opened it.

"Jen! Liz! It's safe to come out now!" I yelled down to them. They ran up. The stairs.

"What was it?" asked Liz.

"A squirrel," I replied simply. "Is your food fine? Do you need more? I've got more if you need it. I'll empty the toilet,"

"Relax! There is enough food for the week. We will do empty the bucket," said Liz. She ran down to get the toilet bucket and emptied it. She ran put it back in the spot where it belongs.

"Thank you girls. It means alot to me. As a gift I'm giving you a phone. Call me if anything goes wrong. Press 1 then the call button," I explained to them. I handed them Carie's old phone. Their eyes lit up with joy.

"Thank you soo much Ryleigh!" yelled Liz.

"Shoosh Liz!" said Jen.

"Don't worry Jen. Dad won't be home for another couple of hours. I'm gonna call Carie to explain what dad has done this time and ask if makeup would fix it okay. You can go and have a bath. Dad would think that I had a bath, not you two," I said to them. They nodded and ran off to the bathroom. I dialled Carie's number into my cheap phone. She picked up straight away.

"Hey Ry!" yelled Carie.

"Hey Caz, um, do you think that makeup will fix a big black eye, and big bruise on my cheek?" I asked.

"No, put it on on the morning and wear a hat to cover it up. People shouldn't notice. You making yourself unpopular has its upsides," said Carie.

"Okay, thanks. I have to go cause this is costing me lots. By see you at school tomorrow," I said before hanging up.

I got Jen and Liz out of the bath about half an hour before dad was supposed to come home and then I jumped in. It was so nice against my skin. I haven't had a bath in two days. It felt so nice. I stayed in for ten minutes then hopped out. I quickly got dressed into a pair of shorts and a singlet. I put the girls back into the the basement about a minute before dad came back. I grabbed a snack and ate a bit. Put it back quickly.

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