Ohhhhh shit is Emp gay?

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Emp was so shocked when the gay boi Garlic had asked if he was dtf. I mean Emp was a straight boy right? He'd never date a fag...right? But the thing was when Garlic asked if he was dtf he had to admit he was...interested. When he had turned around and looked into Garlics white and black eyes. His curvy spideryness,his eight arms and his fluffy spider chest. He looked at this gay boy and Emps heart skipped a beat. But he isn't gay. That why he did the things he did and said the things he said. He knew it was wrong and he regretted it instantley. He needed time to think.

After the little incident Barncasette started to follow Garlic. He followed him all the way to a dark alley way and called out to him "LOOK OUT FAGGOT".

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