Why isn't it enough? Part 4

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"So, Matt what's up?" Chris stopped walking and turned to face Matt.
"Nothing, I said I'm just tired ok?" Matt said, slightly annoyed.
"Matt. Don't lie to me. I know something is wrong why won't you tell me? You stormed off before and you've been avoiding me. Did I do something?"
Chris was a bit nervous now, he couldn't remember doing anything to Matt and he never would.
"No Chris...it's not you...it's just...well, umm, Dominic...the guy I have been assigned for the project...I think I like him...I know I like him...a lot...it's more than a crush....I don't know....he just feels...so right, I feel so right when I talk to him, that's all and I want to be able to see him and stuff and when you said it's not allowed I guess I got cross...that's all..." Matt was looking at the floor awkwardly stroking his hair.
"Woah Matt, I had no idea. I'm sorry."
Chris put his arm on Matt's shoulder and smiled at him.
"Can I ask you something? It may seem a bit weird..." asked Chris.
"It's fine, go ahead..."
"Matt, do you love Dom?"
Matt sighed.
"Yes Chris. I do. But he will never love me back, I told him I liked him and he's kind of ignoring me, let alone if I told him that I loved him."
Matt could feels tears pricking at his eyes, he looked away from Chris.
"All this love stuff is shit. Thanks for talking with me Chris, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Ok, bye Matt...just call me if you need anything ok?"

Matt walked back to his house. He felt disappointed, Dom was the only one he loved and now he was ignoring him.
Chris was such a great friend to Matt, he had a nice family, that was also quite well off, he wasn't struggling with any disease, his mental health was quite ok but, why wasn't that enough?
Dom was the one that filled that void, the void Matt never thought had been there, and now he had lost Dom too.
No, he was just overthinking right? They still had another week of talking to finish off the project, even if that's all they talked about, surely that would be enough, right?

mbellamy: I need to finish my project soon.

No reply.

10 minutes

20 minutes

40 minutes

1 hour

2 Hours

3 Hours

4 Hours

5 Hours

6 Hours

7 Hours

"Ugh, why won't he reply? It's been 7 hours! I need to sleep soon!" Matt said, he was getting increasingly frustrated.

mbellamy: how about you just forget what I said, fuck the project, I'm sure what I have is enough.
Bye Dominic.

Matt waited for hours, the reply never came.

"Matthew! Get up!"
Matt's mum was clicking her fingers at him.
"The bus will be here in five minutes! You're meant to be up! Go!"
"HuaaaWhattt?" Matt grumbled.
His mum took his phone.
"No I need that!" He protested.
"Should have thought about it before, now come on Matthew, please hurry!"

Matt grumpily headed to the bus stop, he arrived just on time.

He logged into his account on his computer once he was at school.
Oh god. He had forgotten about the message he sent.

dhoward: Really Matt? If you're going to be so childish why did I even bother getting to know you?
This is goodbye. You're just like everyone else in the end.

Matt gasped.
He felt tears fall down his face. What had he done.
He was in shock.
He couldn't move. He just sat there staring into nothing. He was shaking.

"Good morning Matt- wait, what's wrong?"
Chris has just arrived.
Matt pointed at his screen as he silently cried.

"That little shit! If I ever see him i sware I'll..."
Chris was annoyed.
"No, it's my fault...I ruin everything!" Matt said through his sobs.
"Oh Matt, what has he done to you?"
Chris pulled his friend in for a hug and they just stayed like that for a while.

Ouch. Friends hurt. Love hurts.

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