Chapter 11 ♣ Truths Laid Bare

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Things had become so awkward and the tension so much that the whole place had become uncomfortable.

  Since that day, Eve and Zach had not had a single one on one conversation.

They just kept to their boundaries, both of them resigning to fate and knowing they could not be together. 

They were going to reach UK in another 3-4 days time, where they would drop her off, then continue their journey back to Boston.

“Zurich, Eve, Marilyn, everyone, a ship is getting closer to us and it doesn’t have K.I. symbol, so it's not one of our ships.  Eve, I could spot your father in the ship.  No doubt, they were coming to rescue us.  We could just drop you with them today and continue our journey to Boston."
Zach said  

“Yeah sure. That’s better” Eve said, knowing she felt the exact opposite.

Was it bad to just want to spend more time with him? See him everyday, even if they weren’t on speaking terms?

Pure, undiluted pain was what he felt. Zach thought, as  his chest constricted. Eve was really leaving him this time.  In a matter of minutes. And he was never going to see her again, because he was never going to come back here.  There wasn’t going to be time anymore for that.  Over the past 2 weeks, he had been extremely conflicted.  He had become used to sharing a room with Yvonne, so he didn’t know whether to go to her room to stay, or ask for his own room; but eventually, common sense had won out and he had asked for his own room. 

He knew that girls needed their privacy and they had just been forced to compromise on the former ship. Besides, they had been lovers, so it hadn’t been much of a big deal, but now, he didn’t know whether they were still allowed to continue their tirade, where his ex-finance who he’d just broken up with and his friends and business workers were. So he had decided against that thought. But then, that hadn’t stopped him from wanting her every night and every minute of the day.  He had taken more cold showers in 2 weeks than he had taken in 5 years of his life.  Then suddenly, he couldn’t talk to her alone, face-to-face without wanting to kiss her, rip off her clothes and take her right there and then no matter who was watching.  So he had avoided being in a secluded area with her.

But now, she was really leaving and there was nothing he could do about it, except watch, as the one person in the world who he loved the most, left him, leaving his body soulless, his heart broken and completely and utterly drained.

“Thank you for keeping my daughter safe throughout those past 5 weeks Zachary” Lionel said, as their ship finally came towards K.I  Ship and he was able to step aboard.

“It was nothing sir, we enjoyed ourselves immensely” Zach replied

“so you’re going back straight to Boston?" Lionel inquired

“yes Sir"

“What about your family? Aren’t you going to tell them you’re leaving?”

"I wouldn’t have the time to do that. Something really important came up, so I have to leave immediately. They’ll understand. It’s their company too, and I also might not be able to come back here again in the future”. He tried not to betray the sad note in his voice.

“Okay then. Take care son. We all are proud of you"

“Thanks a lot sir” Zach conceded, before turning to Eve.

  He was leaving her for real right now and wasn’t ever coming back.  He was never seeing her again. So damned whoever was watching.  He drew her into his arms and kissed her thoroughly, in front of everyone, and in front of her father.

“Goodbye Yvonne Fitzman.  It was a great pleasure meeting and knowing you." He whispered

Still flustered and mind wheeled, Eve answered.
“Good bye Zachary Knight if fate allows it, may we see again."

And he turned his back and left. This time, without looking back; and Yvonne ran into her father’s ship and cried her heart out. 

She was never seeing him again.  He had left forever

And Lionel could think of only one thing. Malinda’s match making plans had worked. His daughter had fallen in love.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ • • • • • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ • • • • •

Author's Note

Voila! Sweethearts. Finally another chapter. Phew! Please don't forget to




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