chapter 9 ♣ The Beginning Of The End

Start from the beginning

He shouldn't have left in the first place. These problems wouldn't have come up if he hadn't left, but he didn't blame his bestfriend. He did need a reprieve from Marilyn. But now, there wasn't going to be time for anymore reprieves. He shouldn't have left in the first place and that was a mistake they weren't going to make again.

There wasn't going to be chance or time for any more vacations in the future again because that was only going to accomplish one thing. And that was, leaving Knight Industries vulnerable, like it was now. Zach was the CEO and it was time he started acting like one.

"Don't you have any comfortable spot on this boat Zurich?" Marilyn screeched out, and he rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time that day. He was worried his eyes were soon going to fall of their sockets.

Did this woman never stop complaining? She was lucky she was Zach's fiancée and a female, which was why he wasn't going to bring himself so low as to start exchanging words or fighting with her, no matter how saucy she was. So he forced a smile on his lips and said

"there's no way a ship can be as comfortably as a normal home, just as, it is also not a place for an expectant mother to be. The best I can do, is to tell the sailor to go at a slower pace, if that would satisfy you?"

She didn't even bother deigning him an answer, just snorted in an un-girl-like manner and then left.


Zach and Eve laid on the bed, panting heavily. They had just finished making love for the fourth time this morning. Woah! Four weeks had already gone, and it seemed like first days.

"At one point or another, you do know we have to get up from this bed and go whip up something to eat right? We're not supposed to starve" Zach said, smiling at Eve, with his eyes totally fixed on her nipples.

"Zach darling, can't you go whip up something for us, I'm too tired to stand up, and you and I know both know just how bad I am in the kitchen" Eve said battling her eye lashes and trying to convince him.

"no, that's not gonna work on me Eve. Not this time, not today. We're both going to the kitchen"

"Tell you what," Eve said trying to change tactics,

"If you go cook breakfast for us, then this night, I'll dress in something skimpy and sexy and invite you to my very hot bed and then I get to make breakfast tomorrow morning and then feed you."

"Well, when you put it that way, you know I can't refuse" Zach said grinning, knowing he'd lost.

He got up still in his birthday suit and with all his naked glory, went to the kitchen, while Eve just stared, totally transfixed on his body.

Minutes later

"Eve! Eve!! Get up here right now and bring a robe for me to wear as you're coming!"

What now? Eve thought as she lazily got up and immediately ran to the toilet to throw up the content in her stomach. Yep! She knew she was pregnant. She didn't need any pregnancy test to tell her she was an expecting mother and she was not at all concerned; was actually thrilled in fact. She wasn't going to tell Zach about the baby because he didn't love her, and UK wasn't his home. Boston was. She wasn't going to tie him down with something he didn't want or need in his life right now.

Furthermore, he had a fiancée he was going back to, and they already had enough problems between them. They didn't need one more, added to it.

She was going to raise this child in the love and care of her family, and it was going to be a constant reminder of the best 4 weeks of her life, that she spent with the man she loved dearly.

They had both lived and acted like couples, telling each other their life stories and making love like crazed kittens.

Any future man that was going to ever marry her, was going to have to accept her future baby as part of the relationship.

"what is it Zach? Why were you calling me?" Eve said as she got to the kitchen

There's a ship coming towards us. In a matter of mintues they would reach us and it has the knight Industries symbol on it, which means it's one of my ships. I'll send out a distress signal, so they'll know that there're people on this ship and they need rescuing."

"Alright then. Send out the signal"
Yvonne said with pretense smile on her face, for all she could think of was that their time alone together, was finally coming to an end.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ • • • • • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ • • • • •

Author's Note

Voila! Sweethearts. Finally another chapter. Phew! Please don't forget to




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so I was able to drop the another chapter of TAMING MY BILLIONAIRE (TMB)

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