"What do you mean?" She stopped chewing and put down the fork.

Ow, this was bad.

"When Patrick came to tell me about Ryan, he suggested selling the house to split the money so I could live in a better apartment. You know how I love that house! I couldn't allow him to do that."

"So you decided to kill two birds and return to Patrick? After everything?"

"No, I won't return to Patrick," I assured her firmly. "We would be like roommates." I shrugged my shoulders casually.

"Seriously? Roommates?" Her voice was full of sarcasm. "This is bullshit! You're pathetic. Running from one man to another like a greedy hoe. I need to go."

She stood up and without another word left me gapping in disbelieve at her back.

I wasn't sure I deserved such a reaction from her, not even had I expected this. I knew she would be pissed and disappointed, but I thought she would understand.

Still buffed, I dropped money on the table and went out. I needed this done. I made my mind that this was the best scenario I had on my hands so I gonna carry on with it.

I tried to call Patrick in the taxi on my way to the apartment. After he didn't pick up the second time, I figured he was busy at work and I could do everything alone. There was no reason to postpone my moving in, so I loaded my car with few suitcases and drove to my old home.

"Home, sweet home," I looked at a big building in front of me.

Leaving everything in my car, I opened the door with my keys that I still had on the chain, and made few steps into a big bright hall. I felt a happy smile crept on my face. This was the closest place I could call home.

Moving forward to the kitchen, I heard loud voices from Patrick's office. So he was at home.

Changing my direction, I tiptoed to his office. The closer I got, the better I could hear that voices belonged to Patrick and ...

What a fuck?


Oh no, she came to kill Patrick for making me return to live here again. Just when I decided to make my presence visible, I heard:

"You promised me, Patrick!" The hurt was evident in her voice making me stopped my hand from reaching the doorknob. I could not understand the reason that had caused her pain.

"Lex, that's enough! I know what I promised you and I would stay true to my word. But, I need Elizabeth here with me, and I need her to trust me. As soon as I made her sign everything back to me, I'll get rid of her and we could be together. We could start our life somewhere else, you and me, together. You just need to wait."

"Wait? Wait?" She cried hysterically. "I waited enough! I waited for you to dump that useless bitch for a year now! She tramped herself for another rich man as soon as she found one. She didn't want you. Why did you convince her to move here with you? Do you... Do you...love her?" She began to sob making me almost sorry for her.

"For God's sake! You two annoying bitches make me sick! All you do is whining and demanding attention." His voice was cruel and his words intended to hurt.

Alexis kept crying silently.

"If you spoil everything, I promise you will regret it. Get out from here and don't come back till I make your best friend sign all the papers."

I heard shuffling behind the doors and quickly run to the front door. My head was a mess of thoughts and emotions.

What had I walked into?

All I knew now, I needed to pretend I hadn't heard anything. I felt it was very important to find out what was he talking about.

What papers?

So, the smartest I could think of was to slam the front door hard and cry:

"Patrick! I'm home!"

I plastered a fake smile on my face and watched him approaching me with open arms. I almost hit him in the groin when he snaked his arms around me in a tight hug.

"Elizabeth why didn't you call?" So sweet, just... Bleurgh.

"I called, but you failed to pick up, so I figured I could come unannounced. Why? Is there a problem?" I saw his eyes darted to his office direction and his smile waved for a second.

"NO problem, I just could have helped with the bags." He smiled at me.

"You can help now and bring them from my car to my room, will you?"

"Of course" He kissed me lovingly on the cheek, making me almost gag from his pretended sincerity. "I'm so happy that you're here." he declared and walked out.

Not waiting for him to come back, I raced to my room and ran into bathroom closing doors behind. I needed a moment to gather myself so I could continue this act till I find out what was going on. Taking a few deep breaths and freshened with cold water my burning cheeks I tried to calm down. In a moment I heard Patrick entered the room.


"Right here," I said emerging from the bathroom. "Thank you," I pointed at my bags that he brought up and put near the wardrobe.

"Do you want anything? We could go out somewhere or order in?" Patrick stood in the doorframe and looked at me suggestively.

"No, I think I would soak in the tube a little and go to sleep, I'm tired."

"Yes, ok. Tomorrow I could help you with the rest of your staff in the apartment." He shifted from one foot to the other, thinking what else he could say.

I didn't give him the opportunity to say anything, waving at him to step back so I could lock the door behind him.

Filling the bathtub with hot water and bubbles, I kept wondering if Alexis was still here or had left through the back doors. I couldn't believe what I found out.

Alexis and Patrick.

I wasn't surprised with Patrick cheating on me for the whole year, but Alexis?

How could she?

She was like a sister I always wanted but didn't have because my mother didn't want to get fat again.


Why did she hate me so much to say all those hurtful words?

How could she sleep with my husband she always said was a scumbag?

And Patrick.

What was there about me signing the papers? What papers?

Why did everybody in my life keep using and deceiving me? Was I such a bad person that I deserved this?

First, my mother, destroying my trust when she didn't believe and support me.

Ryan, who used me for his company benefit.

Alexis who I trusted the most and therefore her betrayal hurt the most.

And, finally, deceiving, cheating Patrick, who claimed in the face of God to stay faithful and to love me until death do us apart. What a joke. 

With a healing power of bubbles and lavender oil, I promised myself to never trust anybody again. And I would show those who hurt me, that I'm not a person they could mess with. I won't get angry I'll get even.

 I won't get angry I'll get even

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