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Rebecca Wolf (aka Little Wolf) is the only daughter of Artemis, but she is no ordinary demigod. She has long straight moonlight hair and striking silver eyes that are as silver as the moon. Her outfit consists of a white shirt with a silver jacket, silvery camouflage pants and black combat boots. She also wears a leather necklace with a wolf charm that was a gift from her mother and a charm bracelet that consist of thirteen charms that represent the Gods and Goddesses;

Lightning Bolt represents Zeus (King of the Gods, God of the Sky, Law, Order and Justice)

Pomegranate represents Hera (Queen of the Gods, Goddess of Marriage, Women and Birth)

Sea Green Trident represents Poseidon (God of the Sea, Earthquakes, Storms and Horses)

Black Skull represents Hades (King of the Underworld, God of the Dead and Riches)

Cornucopia represents Demeter (Goddess of Agriculture, Fertility, Sacred Law and the Harvest)

Grey Owl represents Athena (Goddess of Wisdom)

Golden Sun represents Apollo (God of Music, Poetry, Art, Oracles, Archery, Plague, Medicine, Sun, Light, and Knowledge)

Grey Wolf represents Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt, Forests and Hills, the Moon and Archery)

Red Boar represents Ares (God of War)

Red Rose represents Aphrodite (Goddess of Love and Beauty)

Hammer represents Hephaestus (God of Fire, Metalworking, Stone Masonry, Forges and the Art of Sculpture)

Caduceus represents Hermes (God of Trade, Messenger of the Gods, Thieves, Travelers, Sports, Athletes, Border Crossings and Guide to the Underworld)

Grapevine represents Dionysus (God of the Grape Harvest, Winemaking and Wine, Ritual Madness, Religious Ecstasy and Theatre)

The charms turn into a variety of weapons, armor and clothing. Rebecca's powers that she received from her mother are; the ability to speak to animals (mostly wolves); she is a master on the bow, runs really fast when she is in forests (her mother's territory); basically she is one with nature/animals. What makes her different from all the other demigods is that she has the ability to turn into a really strong and fast silver wolf with electric blue eyes. She also forcibly turns into her wolf self when she is really mad and her eyes turn a blood red color.

Having to be raised on Mount Olympus with her mother and the other Gods and Goddesses, she knows no one but them. She wasn't raised with her mortal father because he had died, due to a fire incident, just before she was born and had nowhere else to go. Artemis wasn't going to drop Rebecca off at an orphanage because she was afraid that something bad was going to happen to her. So she decided that she was going to raise Rebecca on Mount Olympus. The only problem was that she had to tell the others and she knew they were going to be shocked and furious, especially her father Zeus, because she had broken her vow of being a maiden and had a child.
When Artemis got to Olympus, she told the Gods and Goddesses the situation and like she thought, they were shocked and furious, Zeus the most. Before they said anything however, Artemis had pleaded/begged Zeus to let her raise her daughter on Olympus. Everyone was shocked because they have never seen Artemis begging for something and after a while, Zeus just sighed and said reluctantly agreed. Artemis was overjoyed and took Rebecca, who was a baby at the time, to a spare room that was going to be hers from now on. Artemis knew that everyone was furious with her, but she wasn't going to let them take it out on her daughter. Her mother instincts kicked in and she would do everything in her power to make sure her daughter is safe from harm. She was going to raise Rebecca as best as she can whether she had help or not.

After a couple of weeks, all the Gods and Goddesses had eventually warmed up to Rebecca and spent a lot of time with her. Artemis was so happy that they warmed up to her. Some of the Gods and Goddesses had even given Rebecca their blessing;

Zeus' blessing - allows Rebecca to control/manipulate the winds and control lightning.

Poseidon's blessing - allows Rebecca to control/manipulate water, communicate with horses and the ability to breathe underwater.

Hades' blessing - gives Rebecca the ability to shadow travel, calls on the dead and summons the dead.

Demeter's blessing - has given Rebecca the skill of herbalist (Natural instinct when it comes to mixing potions) and the ability to manipulate plants.

Athena's blessing - gives Rebecca intellectual.

Apollo's blessing - gives Rebecca the power to heal and the ability to tell when someone is lying.

Ares' blessing - gives Rebecca incredible strength for a limited time (also contributes when she turns into her wolf self).

Hephaestus' blessing - gives Rebecca the ability to build faster than normal people, also the ability to touch and produce fire which makes her fireproof.

Hermes' blessing - gives stealth.

Aphrodite's blessing - gives Rebecca the ability of charm speak (persuade nearly anyone and everyone to do anything she tells them to).

Rebecca's fatal flaw is personal loyalty which means that she would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of her loved ones. While it is good that she would do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

Now at sixteen years old, it's time for Rebecca to go to Camp Half-Blood. With plenty of adventures ahead, Rebecca is in for one crazy ride. But before we talk about those adventures that occurred at camp, let's see what occurred while she was on Mount Olympus with all the Gods and Goddesses. Let's start at where it all began.

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