A Conversation is all it takes (Bruce Banner × Male Reader)

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I will make a Part 2 to Bad Guy-Boy and it will have a Cats song, I think I'm gonna go with Macavity the Mystery Cat but I don't know.

Clint:...Am I the only one that feels like Banner and Y/N totally like each other?

Tony: Oh my God, finally someone else.

Peter: It's like...so obvious.

Loki: You sound like Midgardian schoolgirls gossiping about who likes who.

Natasha: It's not like we're wrong.

Loki: That is a fair point.

Thor: Brother! We must all help...what is it called, right, set them up.

Loki: That's impossible, everytime they bump into each other they very awkwardly try to move out of another's way whilst mumbling and stuttering like a child with a speech impediment.

Tony: Why are you always so offensive?

Thor: That is rubbish! Loki is too weak to attack people, he's clearly on the defensive side!

Peter:...I'm more knowledgeable than a god.

You: What are you guys talking about?

Loki: You and Bruce liking each other.

Peter: Dude!

You: Bruce? Likes me?! Impossible.

Loki: Well clearly you like him; you're blushing.

You: No, I'm just...dehydrated.

Loki: I'm pretty sure that's not how human anatomy works.

Peter: Loki, just let him admit it.

You: Okay, maybe I have a teeny tiny crush on him.

Bruce: What are you guys talking about?

You freeze up, he's behind you, and also freezes up, it's so obvious a dog could smell the love.

You: Dehydration.

Bruce: Do you feel dehydrated? Cause if you do, I can check that out-

You: No no no

You say as you turn around in what might be the most awkward way conceivable.

You: You look nice today.

Bruce: Um, thank you. You look nice too.

Loki:...Is this meant to be entertaining? Because this is just annoying. They are testing my patience. They clearly have feelings for one another and are both too shy to confess, how will they end up together if they can barely communicate?!

Wade: First of all, getting a bit close to breaking the 4th wall and that's my job.
Secondly, I've never seen you care for our Midgardian ways, sorry to burst your bubble but this is a basic rom-com
situation. Finally, hello.

Peter: Where did Y/N and Bruce go?

Natasha: Are they finally hitting it off.

Thor: I'm pretty sure they're not-

Wade: Stop it. Whatever misunderstanding you experienced, it's not gonna be funny.

Thor: I was just going to say that they're probably not performing sexual activities this soon.

Clint: That's not what hitting it off means.

You: Oh, really, that's so sad.

Peter: What are they talking about?

Bruce: Yeah, my girlfriend left me because of it.

You: I thought that only anger caused it.

Bruce: Well, sometimes other things can trigger it.

You: I hope you find someone who'll be patient during your process.

Loki: I think they're discussing Banner's inability to have intercourse.

Wade: I think we got that, Sir Lokus the Unbiological.

Bruce: So, how's your love life been?

You: Nonexistent, unfortunately. The right guy just isn't there.

Bruce: Wait, guy?!

You: Yeah, I'm gay.

Bruce: Oh. That's interesting.

You: Oh no, please don't tell me you're a homophobic scientist who wants to study the biology of my sexuality.

Bruce: No, it's just that, I'm not straight.

You: You're not?

Bruce: I'm actually Heteroflexible.

You: That's like 90% Straight.

Bruce: And you're my 10 percent.

You: Are you saying-

Bruce: Will you go out on a date with me?

You: Oh my God, yes!

Clint: One conversation is all it takes.

Wade: Roll credits!


About 600 words

Marvel x Male Reader (1/2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt