11 - Teen Rebellion (With A Bit Of Magic)

Start from the beginning

It would be a healthy release for all those emotions she's let build up inside her.

If she wants a good cry, she'll probably grab the dvd of Lion King and play it on her laptop. She always gets teary eyed during that movie or maybe she could talk to someone. Although, Aurelia isn't really that much of a talker. It is probably better to keep things to herself till the weekend came and she can finally just call either Donna or Dick to rant to either of them

Speaking of Dick, Aurelia feels her cheeks grow slightly warm. It is stupid how she blushes everytime he calls her or how she somehow stutters whenever they see each other, which is pretty frequent. She has gone and done the most cliched thing in the world. She got a crush on her best friend. Thank god he hasn't figured it out yet and she hopes he never figures it out; it would be too embarrassing. (is it really a crush if it lasts for more than a year? Something to think about...)

Aurelia pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs again. Maybe Dick can offer some advice to her on dealing with all of this. Her hunch tells her he's the one to talk to...but Dick Grayson and feelings? Not such a good mix. So her hunch is wrong. She'll just go to sleep for now and deal with all of this later. Then, her phone buzzes with the arrival of a text message. She takes it out of her pocket, only to find out that it's Dick who's texting her.

'Hey. You up right now?'

'Yes, I am.' Aurelia types her reply and quickly presses send. Within thirty seconds, Dick's name appears on the phone as he calls her. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion. Weird that she was thinking of him and he calls her, not minutes after.

"Hey Boy Wonder," Aurelia greets, half smiling and half just...just tired. "Why are you calling me so late? Everything okay? Scarecrow didn't attack you again, did he? Because I am still alive."

"It's not that," Dick answers quickly. She hears some shuffling sound at the end as though he's climbing into his bed. "I just wanted someone to talk to. I think you're the only person that'll understand me."

"Okay, what's up? Is it something to do with Bruce?" Aurelia asks, rather seriously.

"It's everything to do with Bruce," Dick sounds angered all of a sudden. "Every fucking thing. He's limiting my patrol time, he's not letting me fight. He's not letting me do anything. I'm seventeen, Lia! Seventeen!"

"I know you are Dick; I was there for your birthday," Aurelia comments. But she almost snorts. So he's been having the same problems too? Is this some sort of shared thing between superhero/vigilante mentors? Overprotectiveness? "But you and me...we seem to be having the same problem. Clara's doing the exact same thing. She's acting way too overprotective and just tonight, she didn't let me fight against a couple of guys that were robbing a bank. I could definitely have stopped them, but no. She didn't let me."

"Why do they keep on doing this to us? We are trained well enough to stand our own in a fight," Dick rants, sounding exactly how she was feeling.

"Heck if I know, Dickie," Aurelia replies. "But that's not the only thing that's ruining my mood. I have three assignments due next week. I still need to write a personal statement for college applications, even though I have zero idea what I should do. I'm just really fucking stressed right now....Don't you wish we could just take a vacation to get away from all of this? Because I sure do."

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