Chapitre sans titre 4

Start from the beginning

Gradually several factors are working together to intice Kennedy to act. We have King's popularity increasing among white and black people, more and more american citizen are shocked to see how black people are treated. The soviet union "treat black people in a goof manner". The work carried out by the activist. Robert Kennedy who is more interested in the fate of black people than his brother is. The combination of all this made Kennedy act??? so he made a speech in which he said that racial discrimination as no place in america, new bills and act were needed. → civil right bill sent to congress. The goal was to end discrimination in public facilities, to disegragate public school and to protect black voters, but congress his controlled by the south who doesn't like him so the bill was struck and Kennedy was murdered 22 of noverber..

→ Kennedy's policy abroad:

Not an easy task, he had a bad start because he herided something from Heinshower. The desaster of the Bay of Pick.?? a plan for an invasion of Cuba and the kiiling of Castro by anti-Castro Cubans and thoses people were trained by the CIA.

When Kennedy arrived ...

they arrived in April 1961 and he turned out to be a disaster which increased tension with the soviet union. Soviet union with which nogatiation. → K meet Khrouchtchev. Kr was after a huge success because on april 12th a soviet cosmonaut called Y.Gagarine became the first man in out of space. He orbited the earth so huge technical victory for the soviet union. K was not in a very simple possition and Kr tried to controlled him because he though K was to young for the job. During the negociation Kr even issued a threat which was to limit western access to west Berlin (repetition of the brocade?? of Belrin) no perfect talk → K returned to the US and he mobilized the army and the nation guard units. But the soviet went a step furthur in Berlin → they started building in august the berlin wall to seperate the western and eastern parts of Berlin. Many eastern people wanted to flee eastern. Could america react? K knew it would start WW3. He did bring a support the following year, he visited West Berlin, the war was there and made a speech made famous he said "Ich bin ein Berliner" then we rich the climax : the Cuban missile crises. Castro after the bay of.. fell threated by america and so he truned to the soviet union and asked for some protection. Crutchef was to happy to help because Cuba is close to Florida. Wanted nuclear missile in Cuba. They did it secretly but america was watching cuba secretly and on the 14th of october 61 American planes flying very high in Cuba descovered missile sights?? under construction in Cuba, the pictures were analyse by expert. K made up his mind, on 27 of october he made a speech to congress in that speech he said that missile slides? hAs been discovered and had opted for a naval quarantine not a blockade. The term blockade meant an act of war so he did use the word. Negociation were not easy. Everybody though their would be a war. Cr said they would ignore the quarantine, he had to be seen a strong leader at home. Especially vis a vis the Chiana, the soviet navy saw the american ships but stop a few miles before the naval quarantine, they didn't force their war to the quarantine → an agreement was made → the soviet would not instore their missile in cuba in return for the american promise that they would not invade Cuba and they kept their promise. They kept one tiny land on cuba. After that crises both leaders tries to ease the tentsion because knew they were close to ww3. For example american sent whear to the soviet union, they also instore an hot line between Washington and Mosco. Alerican missile were also remove from Turkie Italie and GB, it had been planed because the missile were opsolite? A treaty was negociated also between america, Gb and .. to stop nuclear testing in the atmosphere, the treaty was ratifyed in september...

Vietnam the situation is more and more difficult. North Vietnam was supplying communist resistance called the vietcon?? the north was aslo sending soldiers in the south thanks to the Ho Chi Minh. Diem was growing even more and more impopular, he started attacking the boudhist??

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