Zero Chapter 1 part 2

Start from the beginning

“But you don't remember anything else,” She says it like a fact, looking at me curiously.

I shake my head and laugh without humor, “The only thing I remember before you, is the couple of seconds before I hit the water.”

“Hmm,” she murmurs thoughtfully munching on a mouthful, stirring her cereal with her spoon.

“Did you see anything? See who did this to me?” I ask jerking my chin towards my shoulder.

“Not really...” she mutters, “I mean, I was up in the lighthouse when I heard the helicopter. That wasn't unusual so I paid it no attention, but then I heard gunshot. I looked up and saw you falling.”

I bite the inside of my cheek, trying to hide my disappointment that she doesn't know anymore.

The phone rings then and she swallows quickly, wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, “I'll be just a sec.”

I nod as she picks up the phone and watch her walk into the other room, the chord wrapping around the corner. I look back at Stella, really noticing the similarities between her and Paige. The same dark features; dark hair, dark eyes, dark eyebrows. I smile at her and she smiles back revealing little white teeth.

Just then I hear Paige enter the kitchen and hang up the phone as her muffled conversation ends. She still stands in the doorway, squinting at me intently.

“What are you looking at?” I ask.

“Your tattoo,” she says snapping out of her gaze and walking back towards me, “well, I was when you were playing with Stella.”

“Tattoo?” I ask. There wasn't one anywhere I could see it.

“Here,” she says holding my face to the side. She rubs her thumb over the back of my head slightly behind my ear below my hairline.

“What is it?” I ask as she examines it further.

“Just a bunch of numbers; one, three, seven, zero, seven, seven, two, eight. Mean anything to you?” She asks letting go of me.

I try to put meaning to the numbers but come up blank. “No, there's nothing.” I'm growing frustrated because nothing means anything to me now. I feel like an empty person.

She pauses momentarily as she sits back down, “Do you think you'll ever remember--?”

“I don't know,” I interrupt angrily but then catch myself. When I speak again it's slower, “I mean...I hope so...but I don't know.” I feel bad for cutting her off, she's just trying to help, but the situation aggravates me so much that lashing out seems to relieve some of the claustrophobic confusion cooped up in my brain.

“I'm really sorry,” Paige says quietly, staring into her bowl of milk.

“No, I'm sorry,” I say, trying to recover, “here, let me help.” I pick up our two bowls, meaning to help, but misjudge the strength of the arm that took the bullet. My arm gives under the pain and I drop my bowl, sending glass and milk spraying everywhere.

I almost curse but then remember Stella's presence and hold my tongue. I am completely at a loss for words and I feel completely stupid. I manage a glance at Paige, she's standing now, her hands held up in what looks like surrender as she gapes at the floor. She peeks up at me and I clench my teeth together hoping she doesn't kick me out because I have nowhere to go. Instead she bursts into laughter and I eventually join in, realizing that the milk had splashed all down the front of my shirt.

“I am really sorry,” I say searching the kitchen for something I could use to clean up the mess I've made, “I'll clean it up.”

“No, no, it's fine Logan,” she says reaching over and taking the other bowl still in my hand, “here I'll get the broom to sweep up the glass.”

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