Zero Chapter 1 part 2

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Hello kind people of the wattpad world. Here is the next section of the first chapter of my novel in progress. I would advise that you read the first section of this chapter if you feel like understanding what's going on, but that's just me. I hope you enjoy, I guess it can get a little boring because you guys don't know the premise of the whole story yet. But just wait. If only this was published, there'd be a little blurb on the back to catch your attention, alas I have not the pleasure of blurbing so here it is without said blurb...

The next time I wake up, it's to a crying baby. Gray-blue light is seeping through the windows above me, the world is still dark but growing lighter, something about that gives me hope. The floorboards creak above my head as someone walks down the hallway. Moments later the crying stops. I hear the same steps coming down the stair and see the girl walk into the kitchen, the sniffling child against her shoulder. I squint as a yellow light comes on and the baby starts crying again. I hear cupboard doors open and close while the girl tries to calm the child who is now full on screaming. I try to fall back asleep for about twenty seconds before realizing that it will be a near impossible feat, and stand on shaky legs to help her.

Her first words when she sees me are words of apology, “I'm sorry we woke you.”

I shake my head, “I needed to get up sooner or later.”

She smiles and puts the baby's soother, sitting on her highchair tray, back in her mouth.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I ask hesitantly.

She glances around the kitchen, her lip in between her teeth. “You could entertain Stella while I make her bottle,” she says indicating the little girl sitting in the highchair on the verge of tears again.

I laugh silently, “Are you sure I won't just make her more upset?”

“She'll be fine,“ she tells me, opening the fridge.

I pull up a chair from the table to sit in front of the highchair, “Hi Stella,” I say unsure.

She pauses, just staring back at me seemingly mesmerized, tears still clinging to her eyelashes. She reaches out with one of her miniature hands and touches my nose. I don't move.

“You remind me of her dad,” the girl says behind me.

I turn around to see her with a bottle in one hand, a carton of milk in the other. She stares at Stella as she speaks.

“You probably remind her of him too....” She says softer this time, turning back to the counter and putting the bottle in the microwave.

“What happened to him?” I ask.

Her hands stop working as she says, “He got really sick...he passed away when she was just five months old.”

I feel stupid and I don't know what to say so I just don't say anything. When she turns around she has a slight smile on her face but her eyes are shining, “That girl loved her daddy, didn't you,” She says to Stella.

The microwave beeps so she turns back to the counter and prepares two bowls of cheerios. By the time she sits down after giving Stella her bottle and sliding one of the bowls over to me the tears are gone.

“So,” she says in a huff, “I don't think we ever got to trade names.”

“No, we didn't,” I say eyeing a spoonful of cereal.

“I'm Paige,” she says after swallowing a mouthful of hers.

“I'm Logan,” I reply, “I think so at least. It sounds familiar.”

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