Crew Captain

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I see you, in your grey suit tailored to fit you just nice. You look really handsome with your hair combed back, revealing your charming forehead you are always so insecure about. I honestly don't know why, it looks really handsome on you.

I see you, standing with your family while I walk around ensuring that everything from the programme to the lighting, sound, and food are all running smoothly. Oh, your smile. It makes my busy day so much better when I see those dimples. You're laughing now, and I cannot help but feel like the luckiest person ever to be able to call you mine.

I am assigned to the front and borders – as I always would be, being Captain of the service crew – that was how we met wasn't it? Your cheeky grins and requests mercilessly melted my fierce work personality and I just fell. And every time I am deployed your events – which is every time your family holds any event – it is so very difficult to keep reminding myself that I am Captain of the crew, therefore professionalism must be maintained at all times – and you take so much joy in seeing me frustrated with you.

You haven't replied me since yesterday when you told me you had to attend a meeting with your family, even though you've seen all my messages. Are you still angry I didn't say 'I love you' back? You really should start acting your age and stop being such a brat. How are you going to take over the company when you're such a brat all the time?

The cocktail has been served and guests are mingling about. I see you, and I know you know where I am. Why are you not looking my way? I'm disappointed, but I understand you have to be professional as well, no one can know you are mingling with someone of a lower status. It's alright, we will have our time after the event. I hope you stay until the end - you're always so whiny about extravagant events.

Your dad is up, opening the ceremony proper. I see you looking at him with awe and pride. Despite your complaints about him you still look up to him don't you, you brat. I smile knowingly looking at your expression. Why am I dating a brat, really?

Oh my lord. I just heard the announcement. You're the new company president? How did I not know this? Why did you keep this from me you brat! Oh my I am so happy for you! So proud of my man! I cannot help it, professionalism be damned. I'm looking at you with so much pride I could burst. You look even more handsome up there on the stage shaking hands with and hugging your dad. I'm excited to see how you can bring the company even further with all your ideas. You have so much potential and I'm so happy you will now be able to exercise some of your ideas.

But I also wonder what else you will complain about now. You seem to be able to find something to complain about no matter how smoothly your life seems to be sailing. Like I always say, a brat will always be a brat.

Did I... Did I hear it right?

I just heard my heart shattering over the second announcement.

You.. You're getting married.

To someone not me.

Your eyes finally meet mine. I see so many unspoken words in them but I can't read any of them. Why?

I see now. We're of different status. There will always be that barrier. I just wish you would've told me right from the start instead of promising me forever, that you would always fight for me. When push comes to shove, I guess family and status will always come first.

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