"Thank you Ted and if you need anything and I do mean anything just tell me thats what I'm here for" Christine is going to make working her tough I may just have to ask for a new assistant and an ugly one at that. Naw I should be fine Lovely is like no other. 


"Alright now ladies remember breath in from slowly and then exhale slowly. If you breath correctly then any position should come to you simple" The instructor Raven said as I tried to do the Warrior position in yoga class. I never knew yoga would be this hard but right now I just want to relax. "Look all this breathing is not helping me at all" the girl next to me said. 

I laughed a little because her warrior position looked uncomfortable. "Girl this aint funny, I'm working muscles I aint worked in years" she said getting up to get a drink of water. I was thirst too so I got up also. 

"I should've taken a zumba class" I said grabbing my gym bag. "You should come to the one I'm in on Mondays and Wednesday's. It's way better than this and you will really work up a sweat. Oh I'm Taye by the way" she said extending her hand. 

"Lovely, nice to meet you" I said shaking her hand and then following her out of the class. "You talk a little different are you from here?"Taye asked. 

"No I'm from Detroit I just moved here a month ago with my husband" we signed ourselves out of the class in the lobby and headed to our cars. "Well look I'm from here and no where all the hot spots at so if you wanna hang out sometime we can, just take my number" I typed Taye's number in my phone and we both headed our separate ways. 

I guess I may have a friend out here after all. 


"Come on Nisha we need to go now" I said yelling at my god sister Nisha who wasn't even fazed by anything I said. I sat on my phone for another ten minutes ready to just go home. 

Nisha always in a boy or thotting around. She either cant keep her legs closed or can't keep her damn mouth closed. I was fed up with it today though. We were supposed to go to the mall so I could find a dress to where to my aunt's wedding but instead Nisha got us caught in some bs and we never even made it to the mall. Not only did we miss a ride home from our friend Sydney but my mom has been blowing up my damn phone looking for us. 

"Nisha we need to go now, come on" I said tapping her on her shoulders as she stood around a group of guys about our age. They all looked disgusted when I came up but I didnt really care we just needed to get home. 

"Damn chill Ness why you cock blocking" Nisha said a little too loud. "Yeah Ness why you cock blocking" one of the boys mimicked Nisha and they all started laughing. 

Nisha rolled her eyes and tried to cuss me out. "Look just go home without I'm busy right now" she clearly has me fucked up. Nisha already know I can't show up at the house without her or I'm going to be in trouble. 

"Nisha lets go foreal, you can talk to them later" I said snapping on her. "Man look Biggie just let me chill with Nisha for a few more minutes. Go get you something to eat or something" the one boy Nisha was trying to thot with said. All the guys burst laughing and even Nisha thought it was a little funny.

I couldn't believe the boy said that and I couldn't believe she thought that was funny. "Bitch fuck you and that fake ass Versace belt!" I yelled at the boy. Another boy tried to instigate the situation and Nisha tried pushing me away from them.

"Man get yo ol wanna Precious looking ass out my face before I really flame that ass bitch" he said making me wanna go off. "Ya mamma the bitch, hoe" I said wanting smack him in the face. 

"Barely!" one of the guys yelled trying to be funny. Nisha pushed me far away from them and tried to put her hand over my mouth. "Why you always so angry like damn whats your problem? Every time you meet a boy, you always getting into it with them" she said looking mad. 

I just walked away from her and made my way to the bus stop if it wasn't for the fact that were damn near like blood I wouldv'e tried to beat her ass. 

When the bus came I got on paid my fare and sat in the back. I put my headphones in not listening to any music but just not wanting to be bothered. Nisha has never really been there for me and I hate that our moms are so close. They always make Nisha and I be together but were completely opposite. 

Nisha is pretty I can't even lie. Lightskin with shoulder length hair, hazel eyes, pretty smile with braces, skinny with a little booty and a big ass forehead. But she always wears a bang so no one notices. When we were younger she was my best friend damn near my sister but things changed in middle school. 

I got chubby and people started to notice Nisha more. We no longer went by Nessa and Nisha the bestfriends but just god sisters. In high school things got even worse. My weight started to really go up and Nisha turned into another person. Now I just wish our parents didnt make us do everything together. 

I got off the bus and my stopped and walked the two blocks to my house. It started raining on the way but rain is so typical in Tallahassee Florida. Ugh I knew I shouldve grabbed an umbrella. I walked in the house greeted by my older brother Justice and his friend De'andre and made my way to the kitchen.

"So where you been?" My moms asked as soon as I stepped foot in the kitchen. "With Nisha" I said trying to keep it short and simple. "Where, dont play with me little girl. And why yall havent been picking up the phone and where is Nisha?" she asked grilling the shit out of me. 

"We been at the mall and my phone was on silent so I didn't know it was ringing" I said trying to look as honest as possible. "For one you on punishment for lying and two where Nisha at?" she asked. "I don't know damn why yall always asking me where she at. I'm not her keeper. 

That was the last thing I said before I felt my moms hand go upside my face. "You gone lower that fucking tone talking to me and who you cussing at like you grown. Take your ass to your room cause thats the only place you gone be for the next two weeks and you better tell Nisha to get her ass home now cause her momma looking for her"

I stormed to my room and slammed the door. Today has just been beyond annoying and oh great I just split a whole in my damn favorite pair of leggings. Fuck it. I got in the bed and just went to sleep since the whole world wanna be against Nessa. 

***Okay so far I introduced a few new characters who all have very important roles in the second story. Love and Teddy are still the main characters but Jenessa is also a main character too. Hope you guys enjoy. VOTE, and please...please...please COMMENT. I want to know you guys opinion. 

xoxo Trice. 

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