1. Stay in school kids.

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Thank God the school day was almost over.  Just one more class before I could just go home and-

"Hey, Andy, maybe you shouldn't just stand in the middle of the hallway," the school you-know-what, Kamille, calls out as she pushes me to the side and walks off with her friends.  I wasn't even in the middle of the hallway!  I was a bit off to the side, but I guess that's not enough room for her ego.

I run my fingers through my light blonde hair a couple of times just to make sure it looks decent and continue to sixth period, which I have with Kamille and one of her friends, Lexi.  The warning bell rings and I don't even bother to walk faster.  Quite frankly, I don't know if I'm even going to sixth.  What do I have to lose?


Right before I walk into the hallway for the class, I take a right turn for the exit doors.  I've never ditched before, but I just really hate the people in sixth period, which is French.  I walk out to my car in the student parking lot and get in.  What do I do now?  If I go home, then my mom will now I've ditched, so I should probably go get some frozen yogurt or something.  I'm 17, so I'm in year 11, and my birthday's in a month (December 4).  Hopefully I'll be able to move out right when I'm 18.  

I put the car in reverse and back out of the parking space, then shift gears, and continue out of the parking lot.

"Siri, where's the nearest Starbucks?" I ask my phone while at a stoplight.

"The nearest Starbucks is on 4th and East, about five miles away."

"Starbucks, here I come," I mumble as I turn Siri off.

I reach over and turn the radio on, but there's nothing good.  At all.  Where the hell is my All Time Low CD?

There it is!  I pop it into the stereo and play "Therapy," one of my favourites.

"My ship went down in a sea of sound, when I woke up alone I had everything

A handful of moments I wished I could change

And a tongue like a nightmare that cut like a blade

In a city of fools, I was careful and cool, but they tore me apart like a hurricane

A handful of moments I wished I could change

But I was carried away," I sing along.  Three songs later, I pull into the Starbucks parking lot.  This neighborhood doesn't look too good.  There's trash on the dirty streets and sidewalks, along with scary looking people sitting or standing here and there.  The only available parking space is in the middle of the parking lot, which is 100 foot walk from my future coffee.  Ugh, fine.  I park my older pickup truck in the spot and try to look calm and confident-- the two things that I never am-- while walking.

I open the door, to find a man with a black hood over his head yelling at the cashier.  Holy crap, what the hell is this?  I keep completely still, but the stupid doorbell had to ring as I walked in.  I didn't want any attention focused on me in this situation.  Oh this is fantastic.  Just my luck. I just now notice the people in there-- about 5-- are on their knees with their hands behind their heads.  OH MY GOD, THIS IS A ROBBERY.   The man turns towards me and points a small, metallic object at me-- a gun. 


I move to rest on the wall behind some tables and do what he says.  I don't think he can see me from here. 

"What's your name?" he asks sternly.

"Andy," I choke out.  I am so terrified right now.


"Andy Lawrence." I hold back tears and breathe deeply.  

"What school do you go to?"

"Markus L. Scatut High School," I lie.  I actually go to Hermosa Escuela HS.  It's a stupid name, because all it means is "beautiful school".  I wasn't about to give him my real school name.

He nods and turns back to the cashier, who gives him handfuls of money from the register.  After he finishes, the man turns around and shoots a woman right behind him.  I let out a small yelp, which he ignores.  He does the same thing to the next man, and before I can realize what I'm doing, as he turns to face away from me, I silently make a run for it.  Thank God I have silent steps and am fairly fast.  But the freaking bell at the door rings as I run through.  Crap!  

I hear him yell, but I keep running to my truck and get in.  I start the car as I fast as I can and drive off.  I need to tell the police about this.  I could be in trouble if he knows my first and last name, maybe even license plate number, and has a gun.  I should've just stayed at school, or listened to my gut.

Stay in school kids.


Hiya.  This is my second story on here, and I hope you guys like it.  Sorry it's so short, but this information will be valuable later in the story!  Hope you enjoy the rest of my story and ily.

-Jade <3

GasolineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora