Pain is a addiction

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Mentions of self harm

Shaking Colby quickly rapped toilet paper around the freshly made slits that lingered upon his wrist, the white Cotten collecting the crimson color of his blood, it's absorbing material soaking it in and allowing red lines to seep threw the white. A look of amazement spearing onto Colby's face the deeper the color hued.

Not being able to hear the pounding of his heart over the thoughts rushing threw his head the brunette hissed when he pulled the already soaked sheet away. It quickly being disposed into the trash. Feeling the tickling of blood running down his arm Colby cursed before reaching for more toilet paper. This time rapping it around his four fingers before snapping it off and pressing it back onto his deadly markings. The pain that pulsed at the feeling earring a frown to fall upon his lips.

He didn't think he would be cutting today. He had promised himself that he would stop, but the blade mocked his weakness and taunted him in ways that made him feel sick without it. Finally caving in after months of being clean Colby didn't go easy on himself this time. Screaming as he slashed and slit blood seeped from his arm and veins until it pooled at his shoes, the feeling like a drug. Not knowing what Over came him Colby took the metal in a way he's never done before. Placing it right over his vein Colby didn't hesitate to push down onto it hard, the pop of his skin making him cry out. Slowly dragging it down the lifeline Colby cried harder as more skin tore and more blood flowed. His eyes never once leaving the breathtaking view.

After he was done a cold sweat sleeked his forehead and hands. A unknown feeling of numbness eating at his insides as he fell over. The Toilet paper that was being used as bandages doing little to no help.

Gasping as light zoned from his lids Colby could feel his vision blur and the pain subside. His body going into shock from the amount of blood lost. Hearing his roommates foot steps walking up the stairs Colby tried to reach up and lock the bathroom door but his hand sunk at the feeling of his torn wrist lifting. A loud hiss escaping him.

Knowing his roommates must of just gotten back from there tfil trip the little whimpered when calls for his name echoed in his ears like drums a cave. His name sounding so foreign but familiar. Wanting to call back and tell them everything he's done Colby only chocked on his sentence when his body jolted with the need of air. His face already a ghost white color.

Silently dying just outside the room we're his roommates sat unpacking and talking amongst themselfs Colby could of sworn he could still hear his roommates calls for him. The rattling of the door just above his fallen head making him frown when a blurry figure came into view. His lids rolling back seconds later and a horrified scream escaping someone's mouths at the sight.

But he was already gone before he could hear it.

 𝕊𝕒𝕕 𝕤𝕠𝕝𝕓𝕪 𝕠𝕟𝕖𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕥𝕤 ♡Where stories live. Discover now